View Full Version : Rumbling feeling in chest

26-06-14, 20:29
Hello, My name is Jed.

I'm 13. I haven't been to school for a year since I kept having panic attacks when at the gate, But today I've asked if I can go to school since it's starting to get depressing feeling so lonely here by myself.

But today I've started feeling this rumbling feeling in my chest when I breathe. There's no pain at all. No sound just rumbling.

My mom says its probably ashtma or hayfever.
My brother says it's probably flem cause of how much I eat.

But I wanna ask this on here since it's honestly filled with people who probably know whats going on, So has anyone else felt this before, Or knows what it is?

Thank you


27-06-14, 17:12
It'll not be anything to worry about. There are lots of strange and bewildering symptoms that come with anxiety. They are the results of tired minds and stressed bodies. The rumbling is probably the result of prolonged tension and adrenaline. these things often clear themselves when you actually do the thing you're afraid of!

01-07-14, 17:18
I have that same feeling specially on my right side I've had it for like 6 months already and I don't think its because I eat a lot cause honestly I berly eat... I also have no pain just a gurgling feeling I don't know what it is but I did have an xray done and they didn't find anything so who know but its annoying