View Full Version : ***breathing deeply***

14-12-06, 22:56
Hi all

I feel like I'm not getting enough air in my lungs or something and I constantly feel the need to take very deep breaths. I'm also yawning every other second. It's v frustrating. Anyone else share similar experiences??


14-12-06, 23:14

Firstly,yawning is a typical symptom of over breathing,my doctor told me that.I find that when i force myself to deep breathe,i gasp for air and that makes me yawn.

Try not to force your breathing if you can,distract yourself and do something and when you are distracted you'll find that your breathing returns to normal.

Take care,Candie xxx

15-12-06, 00:02
Hi, I get very similar symptoms, i agree with Candie it goes away when i concentrate on something else, the more i think about it the worse it gets... i sometimes get dizzy when i over breathe also

take care

15-12-06, 03:01

I get this too when I am concentrating on my breathing. Goes away when I stop thinking about it. Sometimes I end up feeling lightheaded.


15-12-06, 09:17
Hi chevy

I yawn constantly as well. I was advised to try diaphramatic breathing.
This is the way a baby would breathe ie the natural way.

Lying on your back, take in a big breathe through your nose. Try not to move your shoulders or your ribs but try to inflate you stomach.

I usually do this when anxious but I also do it when relaxing as well.
It works

Take care


20-12-06, 09:52
I get this too. I go through phases of deep breathing and yawning all the time. Then I focus on it and it gets worse! It seems fine if I am busy and concentrating on something else. I haven't had it for ages but have noticed it the last few days. We have a lot of building work starting in the New Year and I have also just discovered that I am expecting my third child. With that and the stress of Christmas, I just put this down to anxiety again!

Happy Christmas to you all xx

Jo xx

20-12-06, 10:05
Hi, try this 'sigh breath' method. I've found it very useful when I'm just like you and can't seem to fill my lungs.

Jo xx