View Full Version : Nocturnal Attacks!

26-06-14, 21:52
Hi everyone
I've recently been diagnosed with GAD, have been back on the sertraline for two weeks and am signed up to start therapy soon. Whilst I'm already feeling a hell of a lot better than I did two, three weeks ago, I'm really struggling at night.
Does anybody else wake up every night feeling dizzy and spaced out? It happens to me about three times a night. I always get back to sleep, but I wake up drained and depressed. Then after an hour or so I start to feel normal.
Does anybody else get this? I'm scared to go to bed!
Thanks for your time :)

26-06-14, 23:15
Hi akd1984 i feel the same! Had to call in sick today as i had such a bad night. Been panicking all day dreading it coming around again. Feel so terrible but doc says its a side effect of my citalopram (6 Days in) and said to give it at least 4 weeks! Seems like forever. Hope we beat this. Good luck to you and chat if u need to

27-06-14, 02:54
Hi akd, I feel similar. I'll sometimes wake up in the night feeling dizzy or in a panic, I also have this feeling where I feel like I'm falling from a massive height :huh:, it sounds silly lol

It happens when I'm in bed, trying to fall asleep or it wakes me up, makes my legs feel like jelly for a minute or 2 :wacko: good luck with your therapy :)

27-06-14, 07:54
It helps to hear other people are experiencing this (not that I'd wish this upon you both!)
When I've read up on night attacks, there isn't much said about dizziness so I was feeling a bit unnerved. I felt last night like I was on a boat, and every time my boyfriend turned over and moved the bed, I felt seasick ha ha!
I wonder if it's the sertraline? Although I've been on it before a year ago and never had this.
Hope you both had a good night sleep. :)

27-06-14, 09:59
I'm 6 days in on Citalopram as well and my nocturnal attack last night was truly horrible.

I suffered from 11pm until 5am and eventually called an ambulance. My husband is away working and I was alone in the house with my 2 little kids.

The ambulance officers took my blood pressure and did an ECG and all was perfectly fine. Hard to believe that panic can cause such powerful physical symptoms.

Sending strength to everyone reading this. We can do it. Let's keep breathing calmly, stretching, walking, jumping, laughing, showering... Whatever it takes to get through this.

Keep remembering they are just feelings and feelings cannot hurt us.

27-06-14, 19:56
Oh jennywren how frightening. Sending you my love and hope you are geting through.
You did right by calling 999. I hope you have a better night tonight x

Ex Panicy Person
27-06-14, 22:16
I USED to suffer from nocturnal panic attacks when I was a sufferer. I used to wake up with my heart feeling as if it was going to burst out of my chest (of course it didn't though).

Mine used to have a pattern and they would come on about an hour after I dropped off to sleep, then I would worry the following night that this would happen again and it did because I would wind myself up. I personally had a warm bath before bed, had a milky drink, sprayed my pillows with lavender essence and what helped most was having a night light. I still use one today and am panic free. If I'm feeling a tiny bit stressed with work etc I listen to some deep relaxation on my iPod in bed and it knocks me out before the session ends.

Sending hugs

28-06-14, 03:57
That sounds like great advice Ex Panicky Person, thank you :)

28-06-14, 04:26
Good advice ex panicky person i will give some of the things a go.

28-06-14, 09:00
The lavender thing isn't working for me, but I think the iPod thing sounds amazing!
Thanks for the tips :)

30-06-14, 17:39
this thread has really helped, thank you
it is all stuff that i used to do the first time i had panic attacks and anxiety, but reading it all again has made me remember what worked and what didn't and what i need to do to try and help my sleep again :)