View Full Version : Putting everything down to anxiety

27-06-14, 07:43
I've suffered with anxiety for about 4 years. I started taking sertraline about 2 months ago. And it does seem to help me feel less gloomy and calmer. However throughout the day I get sharp shooting pains in my ears. This brings back the drained dizzy faint feeling which causes me to panic. The doctor has examined my ears and there seems to be no damage but I can't help think there's something wrong as it happens everyday! Anybody else had this symptom?? I thought it could be hayfever but antihistamines arnt easing it.



27-06-14, 11:52
I suffered with severe muscular shaking through the night during my worst days, I wasn't on any meds, but I would also get severe neck, back & right arm stiffness, a constantly twitching eyelid etc....plus then this feeds the anxiety! I remember my body firing all sorts of involuntary muscular signals on a daily basis. Your whole system is on a state of constant high alert, after all. I can't comment on drug side effects I'm afraid, but wish you all the best in your recovery journey.


27-06-14, 13:29
Thanks for the reply Matt. It doesn't seem to be a drug side affect because it has happened b4 I started sertraline obviously I just thought it was because of anxiety but now the tablets are showing no sign of it easing I'm wondering what else could be causing it if anybody's had anything similar.



27-06-14, 14:39
It could be anxiety, but just out of curiousity, have you seen a doctor that specializes in ear, nose, and throat? I'm not saying anything is seriously wrong (because it probably isn't) but you may have an issue that your regular doctor isn't equipped to see/diagnose. Ear infections can cause vertigo/dizziness, so it would be a symptom that makes sense.

Again, it might be nothing and I don't want to scare you or anything (in fact, most of what happens with the ear is easily treated anyway) but if there is something wrong, you certainly deserve some relief!

27-06-14, 16:55
Just out of curiousity, do you have toothache?

27-06-14, 22:39
I did have toothache about 3 weeks ago this was treated though. I have suffered with this for a good while now aswell. Poppy I haven't seen a ear nose and throat maybe this is something I have to consider. I'm going to Turkey in 4 weeks and already worried agen that am going to be dizzy ect which will spoil the holiday. Or cause me a panic attack on the plane :( I hope it's anxiety related in a way so when I'm relaxed ect on the beach it shouldn't flair up!

Thanks a lot for your replys all

Lisa xxx