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27-06-14, 11:47
It's really infuriatingly simple:

Something triggers our panic

Our physical symptoms kick in (breathlessness, chest pain, racing heart, sweating, dizziness etc)

Our thoughts race as we interpret these physical symptoms as the things to fear. Our thoughts then snowball and we feel impending doom and great fear

If we don't fear the physical symptoms. If we breathe through them and allow them to wash over us, without fighting them, panic cannot escalate.

Just my thoughts as I sit here summoning my bravery to face tonight after a terrible panic attack overnight. This is the technique I'll be using tonight :):)

27-06-14, 13:48
HI jennywren13
it's such an important step to understand that panic attacks are really just 'peaks' during times of acute anxiety, as you say letting these ramped up sensations just wash through you is a very positive step forward.

I thought from reading books on anxiety that letting panic attacks 'do their worst' would cure general anxiety disorder straight away, but for me this was just part of a jigsaw of life changes that had to occur to bring back normality over a period of years.
When I look back now as a recovered person I'm amazed at how 'important' the GAD had become & was trying to force unwanted changes in my lifestyle, e.g. not wanting to travel. To 'keep calm & carry on' never meant so much, & I'm so glad I forced myself to not hide from life..
Facing these acute anxiety challenges will put your recovery on secure foundations.
Wish you all the best.

27-06-14, 14:10
I like that mat1t_uk - they really are peaks in our anxiety. That resonates with me.

I can't wait to call myself a recovered person too. Thanks for your reply :) :)

29-06-14, 00:12
In a totally non-hippy way, listen to some of the shorter lectures of Alan Watts on YouTube. I found them instrumental in my recovery. Jay.

30-06-14, 12:51
I agree with you OP. I used to try and fight my panics away and in the end, it just made the stronger and last longer. After a while I got to the stage were I thought "I;m getting 10+ panics a day and not once have they ever harmed me, why should I fear them?" and when I got one I would just sit there and let it do its worst and then laugh at it as it started to fade.

I was housebound for months and had severe agoraphobia but doing this helped me slowly get over it. I never used counselling or meds. I now only get an attack maybe once a week and I'm fine going out now.

It takes a while to get to the stage to have the confidence to let your panics come at you and not fear them but once you get there, its the best defence you have against panic attacks.

02-07-14, 13:56
HI jennywren13
it's such an important step to understand that panic attacks are really just 'peaks' during times of acute anxiety, as you say letting these ramped up sensations just wash through you is a very positive step forward.

I thought from reading books on anxiety that letting panic attacks 'do their worst' would cure general anxiety disorder straight away, but for me this was just part of a jigsaw of life changes that had to occur to bring back normality over a period of years.
When I look back now as a recovered person I'm amazed at how 'important' the GAD had become & was trying to force unwanted changes in my lifestyle, e.g. not wanting to travel. To 'keep calm & carry on' never meant so much, & I'm so glad I forced myself to not hide from life..
Facing these acute anxiety challenges will put your recovery on secure foundations.
Wish you all the best.
Matdoes this mean once you let the panic wash over you and not fear it was only part of what helped you i have sufferd over forty years do you think this could work even for me says me who as had a string of attacks today hence why i am sat on here looking for reasurance i am not going to drop dead from my next panic or anxiety attack i not sure what the difrence i say an anxiety attack is like all the churning goin on in the pit of yor stomoch if i can some time calm that down i dont go into panic if i cant it turns into omg i am going to die sorry for babbling tied looking for releafe from it xxxx