View Full Version : Blood Clot worries - AGAIN

27-06-14, 20:43
I have had an ongoing-ish worry about blood clots since December, I ended up going to walk in on NYE and was told muscle pain and mild sciatica.
The last 5 weeks or so I was worried again but I have been ok for around 10 days.
I have a lump on my leg though, that I do not have on the other (only noticeable when I stand on my tip toes or tense leg), it feels like it could be muscle, not hot, red or sore, but why do I not have this lump/muscle thing on both legs?

Also, I don't know if its just because I have been thinking about it but now it feels 'weird'. Its not pain or anything, I can't explain what I mean but its scaring me again! I read somewhere ages ago that a womans blood clot felt like a 'pulling' sensation and I wondering to myself if this feeling could be described like that too!
Any thoughts?

27-06-14, 21:46
Our bodies aren't perfectly symmetrical. Ask any photographer, everyone's face has a good and bad side. Most people's left side is hairier, most people's right side is more muscular. I once ownerd a performance car with a very heavy clutch, my left calf became much more defined. We all have funny lumps and bumps that perhaps we'll never notice.

Nothing you've said sounds like a blood clot.

27-06-14, 21:50
Thank you very much serenity :-)
It is my right leg so the one I use the most.
It's just soooo horrible to not be certain about things, as you probably know ;-)

28-06-14, 08:34
Still got that strange feeling in my leg this morning! Grrrrr I hate this so much

28-06-14, 17:39
I went through this fear about 8 months ago. I even went to the ER. I will be honest, they acted like I was nuts. It was a pulled muscle that I couldn't get to stop hurting. It felt odd sometimes, like you are describing. They said almost every blood clot is caused after a long trip of being in a confined space and not getting up to move every so often. Take is easy on your leg. :)

rachael t
28-06-14, 21:19
Did they do blood test that can rule out blood Clots think its a d dimer one

28-06-14, 21:25
Thanks guys, no they didn't do blood tests he pretty much said there was no way it was a blood clot as he inspected my leg.
Still doesn't stop me from worrying though.

It isn't so bad this afternoon, I have another worry at the moment (abdominal aneurysm). It's never ending.

29-06-14, 01:32
From what you've said it sounds like you have done the right thing and been the to GP and they've told you it isn't anything to worry about. That's a good thing. If you're still concerned about it you can go back and ask again. But when you say that it is a 'weird' feeling it does sound like it could very well be due to anxiety.

There is a link between the mind and the body - and anxiety plays on this. The more you focus on an area of your body or a specific feeling the more you feel it. There's a great example we use in practice that may be helpful in explaining this for you.

Hold your hand in front of you and look at your palm. Concentrate on your palm. Does it feel strange? Does it look strange? Can you feel that odd feeling in the centre of it? That feeling wasn't there before you thought about it. And it will be gone when you stop thinking about it. (And don't freak out my palms feel funny too now haha). That's the power of the connection between the mind and the body. Remember that the more you focus on a feeling the more you will feel it.

29-06-14, 09:24
Thank you anthrokid, the body mind thing has happened to me on a few different occasions.
My leg is tender if I press it but I think that could be because ive spent the last 5 week's or so pressing every area in my right calf.