View Full Version : Mistakenly used an alcohol wipe to clean a wound, it's red and raw. Scared.

Nighttime pacer
27-06-14, 22:39
Hi all
I'm on flucloxaccillin anyway for a possible staph infected small boil on my back. On Wednesday my right ankle felt sore. I pulled my sock down and discovered a bit of a grass or weed dart, you know those sort of dart shaped bits that grow on weeds. It was rubbing my foot and had caused a red dot but no real wound. I had some antiseptic alcohol wipes with me anyway so rubbed one of those on it. Later that night I looked at it and it had become really red and raw. I cleaned it and put a plaster on it. I did the same yesterday and today but it's still raw and bleeding ever so slightly as it the top layer of skin's missing. I phoned 111 and they said to go the out of hours GP tomorrow as they need to look at it in case it's infected and I need more or stronger antibiotics. I'm really scared now. Surely such a minor wound can't be that bad can it? Have I done serious damage with the alcohol wipe?
Has anyone got any advice?
Nighttime Pacer

27-06-14, 22:51
I don't think they can do much damage. I usually put sudocrem on my wounds so give that a try if you have some.

27-06-14, 22:53
If the skin is broken (not just top layer rubbed off) but actually all layers broken then it can become infected. If it is just the top layer I wouldn't worry

My other half was bitten on holiday and the bites were huge the size of 50 pence pieces and looked raw red and swollen. However 5 days later without antibiotics he is all healed up. Used an antiseptic wipe regulary. Alcohol will sting and make your skin raw but it wont infect it , more steralise it.

Keep it dry and dont try to cover it up with anything. wear cotton socks and loose fitting shoes while it heals

p.s I have a tiny cut on my toe which hurts like a mother and looks very red but often the smallest cuts do.

27-06-14, 22:59
They use alcohol wipes to clean your skin before taking blood and such. How using alcohol infect a wound?

Positive thoughts

27-06-14, 23:03
They use alcohol wipes to clean your skin before taking blood and such. How using alcohol infect a wound?

Positive thoughts

Exactly this, it's the best thing you could have used.

Nighttime pacer
27-06-14, 23:12
I think it's just the fact that it was a tiny red dot and now it looks like the top layer of skin is missing that's worrying me. Maybe it's cos the alcohol wipe made the skin wet and it rubbed against my sock or my foot got sweaty. I realise 2 days isn't long to expect a wound to heal.
Anyway off to see the out of hours GP tomorrow, just don't fancy even more antibiotics.
I'm determined to try and get my health better by lots of sleep and exercise and good food and trying not to worry so much. I realise for most of us with health anxiety it's almost impossible.
Thanks for all taking the time to read it.
Nighttime pacer