View Full Version : getting sorted!

15-12-06, 07:50
wasnt sure where to put this as usual but just wanted to share with you...
i have been quiet on here for a while as i still find work and the family take up most of my time when i am still struggling with panic/anxiety.
but ive stuck at it even when ive had to drag myself there its been 10 months now.
anyway what i wanted to say was i have been struggling really bad again so i went to doctors and also had an apppointment with a social worker from the mental health team... and yesterday i had my first appointment with a counsellor. (i have been in the past but either not got on with the person or just didnt see the point).
i was sooooooo nervous , she was lovely and from the moment she first said something she made sense... and "bang" my life made sense.
i know that different types of therapy help different people as we are all individuals. she knew how i had been feeling for years... first the anger and now more recently the sadness and tears and the "im scared" feeling. we talked about my past(only as much as i wanted, and only one subject at a time) and it all made sense. obviously as most of you know its not that easy even had a nightmare last night but i dont mind as i know i am not mad and that my mind and thoughts will sort themselves out with alot of hard work from me. i would go into detail as im so excited but dont want to bore you all also off to work in a mo.
i know its not going to be easy and i know there are going to be alot of emotions along the way but i also know i am going to get better.
i said before that i will not let this beat me and i nearly let it...
the social worker helped me understand about my ocd and my rituals and after all these years they are getting better.... yes i want it all to be better right now but i know in reality that isnt going to happen and i still do some rituals but some i can let go and i know the rest will follow.
i do come on here most days and read posts and get alot of encourage ment and advice from here... so thank you so much for this great place. i know i keep repeating myself but i would have never got where i am now without it...

15-12-06, 09:32

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-12-06, 12:38

So glad you are beginning to see things more clearly. You are sounding very positive.

Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2007.


15-12-06, 12:43
Great that you have found somebody who really understands you. That is so important, isn't it?

I have a therapist who knows more about me than any friend or family member.

You are doing well and your life will soon come together.

Take Care Rach,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

15-12-06, 13:10
Isn't it brilliant when we start to make sense of it all!! Well done for being so positive and determined and I truly hope 2007 is a wonderful year for you - which with your attitude it's bound to be!

loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

15-12-06, 13:23
Well done Rach on the positivity(((hugs))) xx

Take Care


16-12-06, 13:07
thank you all for your replies
it means alot to me having somewhere i can come and people understand

16-12-06, 14:34

Thats fantastic news and I am so pleased you told us about it, onwards and upwards from now on mate, and keep us up to date with your progress.

Loads of hugs for you


Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'