View Full Version : Light Headedness

28-06-14, 16:05
HI everyone,
Does anyone experience lightheaded/fuzzy head feeling when walking around. Thats what im' getting lately then i get an anxious feeling come over me and feel im going to faint but i keep going and it wears off again.
I have been doctors about it and had ECG and all is fine but Im wondering if im hyperventerlating but dont realise it. I dont feel like i am at the time but my head goes really strange.

28-06-14, 16:08
Yes, I do, it is scary, but I have never fainted. Also had ECG which was fine. Mine comes on unexpectedly whilst walking around, like you, I don't think I am hyperventilating either. I try to think of other things and it does pass off. Maybe others will have advice

28-06-14, 17:19
Hi Kelly :)

Yes this is without a doubt my worst anxiety symptom! I have it every single day. Especially if there's a lot of things going on like in a supermarket etc I've had numerous ECGs but always come back fine. Focusing on one object straight infront of you can help slightly.

It is a really annoying/scary symptom but it sounds like it's from anxiety :) xx

28-06-14, 18:33
Thanks for your Replies. I dont know why it comes on...Im Not panicking or anything...It's that, that starts it all off then. Feel like im gonna pass out it's horrible...I've never fainted tho...It happens mostly when im at work at times i feel like just going home but i keep going and try to get my mind off it by talking to people...It does pass evenually...If I was Anxious before it I would understand it but im not.....:huh:

28-06-14, 22:50
Hi Kelly12.
I did a post about this. Its is caused by breathing to shallow which is caused by your Anxiety. When you are out try not to tense your shoulders and NOT to do the no neck thing. Focus on things around you and take them in, rather than the walking and getting from A to B. Take time to look at the Trees, Flowers, People, Buildings, Cars etc.
Also practice breathing techniques when you are sitting/lying down, this will help you over time.
I had this and now its gone completely. Let your body breathe, practice going for short walks down the street, before you know it, it will disappear.