View Full Version : Really scared of getting Vitiligo?

28-06-14, 17:04
Hi there, I'm 20, I have a mixed race skin, and I have started to notice one light white patch, not sure what it is, no one notices it except me, I can't stop seeing it, I showed it to my mum exactly where I see it, and she agrees there is some whiteness there,

I'm scared of my face looking like this, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=vitiligo&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_eWuU8LgOIHaOb-7gdgN&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=742

A few weeks ago, I broke my leg and was out of work, I shut myself in my room with the curtains closed in the dark, watching all seasons of Breaking Bad in the hot weather! I barely went outside longer than 5 minutes for nearly 2-3 weeks,

Would staying out the sun then getting exposed to it suddenly cause white patches?

28-06-14, 23:05
If anyone here could give me their opinion on this, or reasure me somehow, that would be great! :)

28-06-14, 23:31
I don't know much about it, but a friend of mine got weird white patches on her chest amd legs. It turned out to be a fungal infection and cleared up with a skin shampoo called Nizoral (sp?) X

29-06-14, 22:29
I was born with villitigo and have it bad, what worries you?

29-06-14, 23:51
I wanted to let you know that I am off mixed raced skin tone and I was pretty much like you just the other way around I saw I had dark patches on my legs, when doctors i said there is all dark patches and I hadn't worn a skirt or dress for like 4 years, then went away on holiday this year(first time in years because of these patches on leg) and realized that this was all in my head and i wasted 4 years of my life hiding something only i saw. I think alot of people who are anxious, also are people with high expectations and striving for perfection in my opinion but sometimes what we see, is not always as bad as we think. I used to do the same thing not wear what i wanted, stay out of sun and over obsess about these patches on skin, my sister has patches to you will find that this is very common among mixed raced/dark skin tones. Its not worth hiding away because i did that and regret it, these images are the extremes and will only add to your worries i learnt to stop looking at images. I know its easy to tell someone else i cant talk i am still struggling through other health anxiety problems on a daily basis but you sound like me 5 years ago i am 25 now and been through this so i know it is hard but think postive. if you need anyone to chat feel free hope has helped you even just a little bit.