View Full Version : anxiety and kids

28-06-14, 17:31
Hi how many on here have children, I have general anxiety and I worry what this means for the future. I am fully functioning but have fears of nervous breakdowns or going crazy. I used to think that cos I had a problem with anxiety, people would think I am not a good enough mum, which I know I am. I had an assessment for cbt this week and I had to list all people who live with me including my children. I am having a refresher course as done cbt before and I am stupidly worrying about where the info goes about your kids. I am assuming social services only access this info if there is a concedn of neglect through illness or something like that rather than every referral to cbt. Please reply and help me rationalise this worry

28-06-14, 20:45
Social services would not receive this information unless you stated that they were in immediate danger. There are many parents on here who have received treatment for anxiety and information regarding their treatment has stayed within themselves, GP and therapist.

28-06-14, 22:34
Thank you for replying, I thought I was worrying over nothing its just I had cbt a few years ago and cant remember giving so many details

28-06-14, 22:40
Hi anxious 2, you will not be judged. If anything, you seeking help shows how much of a brave person and good mother you are as you are not "burying your head".
I have a 1 year old and have a cbt assessment in august. Good luck to you x