View Full Version : Can anxiety cause nausea

28-06-14, 17:47
Can anxiety cause nausea, for the past couple days I have felt nausea from about 2 and goes when I eat really. And today I have felt fine got home realised the time and fort yes no nausea but now it's back and it's back bad!! :( could it be anxiety?? I had an endoscopy and take omprezole as I had gastritis but that was like 2 months ago. Xx

28-06-14, 18:37
Yes it can, it is one of the main symptoms. I always get extreme nausea prior to having a panic attack. Mention it to your GP though as you have had GI issues. Take care.

28-06-14, 18:57
It's one of the more common/classic symptoms. :)

28-06-14, 19:02
I also suffer nausea and loss of appetite too.

28-06-14, 20:53
There's a virtual laundry list of symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/) that anxiety can cause...

Positive thoughts

28-06-14, 21:55
Yes it can!! I had it for weeks when I was anxious once!

29-06-14, 01:25
Yes anxiety can cause nausea. It is actually a question mental health workers ask when diagnosing anxiety because it is such a common feature. There is a very high incidence of gastrointestinal problems (nausea-stomach cramps-vomiting-abnormal bowel movements) associated with anxiety.

05-07-14, 17:31
Like one of the above mentioned, nausea is a classic symptom of anxiety. Even people who experience normal anxiety -- meaning in moments where anyone would be nervous and not just those with disorders -- usually become nauseous. This is why you hear and read so many accounts of people vomiting before going on stage.

I didn't realize I had such a serious anxiety disorder until I was an adult, but I remember as far back as the second grade, I would become nauseated every single day at school because I was terrified of my teacher. It was probably the first symptom I ever experienced.