View Full Version : Neck, head and chest pain

28-06-14, 18:07
Hi All,
Sorry to post again but I have another problem.
Over the past week I have had a constant headache that evolved from feeling like a band around the head, to sharp pains that also radiated down my neck and ear.
I posted on here yesterday and a helpful person gave some good advice and put me at rest.

This morning I woke up and I was fine.

About an hour later, I sat on the sofa then jumped up reasonably quickly because I realised I forgot to do something.
At this point, I got a sharp pain (possibly muscular but need advice) that hurt on the back of my head (nearer the top of my neck) and radiated into the right side of my chest and slightly on my shoulder/arm.

This has now worried me as the first thing my mind jumps to is an aneurysm or something similar.

It does not hurt (that bad anyway, feels like a stiff neck) when sitting down, but does hurt when walking or moving my arm/neck. It even hurts when I try to lay down.
The neck/head and chest pain come at the same time.

Please can someone help me? My parents have suggested going to the walk in centre, although I have been to so many health professionals over the past few months, I've has enough of being told there is nothing wrong with me.

Thanks in advance.

29-06-14, 21:25
Further to this, I have now noticed that I keep getting tingling feelings in my right leg and arm.
It kind of feels like my hairs are sticking up on end, almost like slight pins and needles

Is this something to worry about? Can this be caused by anxiety?

Sorry guys I'm very panicky lately

01-07-14, 11:22
Hi Ryan
I'm the same with headaches and pins and needles In my arm , I keep thinking aneurism or stroke , I know what u r going through . It probably is anxiety lessen as we both have similar symptoms xx