View Full Version : Probably silly but facebook causing depression and paranoia...

28-06-14, 18:56
Just checked my fb account and went to a "friends" page to check a comment I posted earlier and I found out that it wasn't there. Now barring a technical error this tells me that they have deleted my comment and this has made me feel very paranoid and somewhat upset.

I mean why would they do this?
Was my comment embarrassing?
Am I strange and I don't know it?
Am I special needs and my comment was bordering on autistic tendencies and it sounds silly to all but me?
Are they embarrassed about my comment?
Have I made myself look a fool in front of them?
Are their friends laughing at the fact that my comment is deemed so pathetic and unappealing that it is deleted like it means nothing?

This "Friend" by the way is someone who I was in school with but wasn't friends with them then and haven't seen them since I left school... This is what I hate about facebook... Its very unrealistic and creates distorted perceptions of "friendship"


28-06-14, 19:57
People portray themselves in a way that THEY want to on social media. Whether that be a hero, happy-go-lucky, socialite, VIP or whatever. Also, communication through text can be misinterpreted because what may be written as wit, sarcasm or whatever could be interpreted as something completely different.

I don't know what you wrote and I don't know this 'friend' so it would be impossible to say what's happened so my only advice is to take Facebook and other social media with a pinch of salt.

28-06-14, 20:13
People portray themselves in a way that THEY want to on social media. Whether that be a hero, happy-go-lucky, socialite, VIP or whatever. Also, communication through text can be misinterpreted because what may be written as wit, sarcasm or whatever could be interpreted as something completely different.

I don't know what you wrote and I don't know this 'friend' so it would be impossible to say what's happened so my only advice is to take Facebook and other social media with a pinch of salt.

I suppose so! I am thinking of getting rid of fb to be honest...

28-06-14, 20:32
I got rid of my Facebook about 4 years ago and best thing I ever did, it's mind destroying and sort of takes over as you feel you need to check it all the time when nothing of note is ever put up there, maybe I'm from a different generation but there is not much attractive about washing your dirty clothes in public in any case.

I was starting to get totally sick of the constant bullshit on there, constant acronyms I had no idea what meant, silly Americanisms everywhere and just tedium and photos of people's dinner and tosh like "support our troops" by clicking "like"

To be honest reading what most people wrote on there just made me feel depressed and more detached from the world than ever before.

28-06-14, 20:43
I suppose so! I am thinking of getting rid of fb to be honest...

I wouldn't blame you! If I didn't have friends and family living so far away, and being completely reliant on Facebook for communicating, I would delete mine too.

28-06-14, 21:16
I agree with both your points... I am getting so sick of it to honest. I only have 22 friends, I did have 300 but I have deleted all of these idiots who I haven't seen since 2004 :)

28-06-14, 21:26
Facebook is on the way out as far as I'm concerned! I only really keep my account as I do things on FB that are work related and also it is quite handy for hearing about friends events and birthdays etc.

As Rennie said, people are not at all 'real' on FB, they tailor everything to fit the persona they want to have online. I have friends that tinker with the minutest of details on their profile because they are so worried about what other people might see or think... Perhaps there is a new strain of anxiety related specifically to FB?! We should direct all users to this site... :)

Seriously though, I know it is difficult, but you have to take EVERYTHING that happens on social media with a huuuuuuge pinch of salt... Barely anything you see there is worth caring about.