View Full Version : Real health worries

28-06-14, 19:38
I too am suffering from terrible anxiety about my health but in my case its actually real and not just in my head. I have reflux issues which is permanent and it puts me at risk of cancer. And now I have swollen glands which is also unexplained. I have not been sleeping well and I am thinking i cant cope any longer. There are financial worries on top and life is just not fun any more its just constant misery. I dont see the point in fighting any more. I feel like my life is over now. I never smoked or drank and took care of myself yet here I am being punished for no reason. Life can be really cruel for some people. Some people get lucky and others are just constantly unlucky.

28-06-14, 19:48
I too am suffering from terrible anxiety about my health but in my case its actually real and not just in my head. I have reflux issues which is permanent and it puts me at risk of cancer. And now I have swollen glands which is also unexplained. I have not been sleeping well and I am thinking i cant cope any longer. There are financial worries on top and life is just not fun any more its just constant misery. I dont see the point in fighting any more. I feel like my life is over now. I never smoked or drank and took care of myself yet here I am being punished for no reason. Life can be really cruel for some people. Some people get lucky and others are just constantly unlucky.

Hi Chung. I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling so good.

I also have reflux issues too, as do many other people on this forum. Are you taking any medication for it? I currently take 20mg Omeprazole and that really helps. The risk of developing cancer due to reflux is only increased by a small amount, and that amount is cut if you're seeking treatment for it. You MUST realise that a huge amount of people suffer from acid reflux disease and it's really not as serious as you're making it sound. Try to take a step back and look at what you're saying - you will find that it is irrational. 99% of people get reflux from time to time, and the amount of people who suffer regularly is also huge!

There are also so many reasons why your glands could be up. Mine were up a few days ago actually then went back down. There may be a bug going around or something, but anxiety can make your glands swell up too.

Are you seeking any treatment for your anxiety?

28-06-14, 20:49
I sometimes take omeprazole but that too causes side effects or doesnt work much. I have LPR rather than GERD. So mine is not really being treated which puts me at higher risk. I might even already have cancer judging by the swollen glands I have. Yes lots of people have reflux but its difficult to say what is serious and what is not. What about people who get barretts and then get cancer? It could be any one of us who gets it. Why are you so confident its not serious? Cancer doesnt care who it attacks next. You could be young or old, smoker or non smoker, white or black, it doesnt care.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

100% of the 99% who get reflux wont die from it because thats just normal reflux. Mine is a different case. It is persistent. Diet or lifestyle doesnt improve it. We need 24 hour protection through heavy doses of omeprazole. Its a life of misery at best and at worst, it will lead to throat cancer and then from that point onwards it will be a horrible way to die.

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

No i dont have treatment for anxiety. The doctors would only give me more drugs to take!

They dont usually stay swollen for a month though do they?

28-06-14, 20:49
Yes, cancer is indiscriminate, but is it worth wasting those precious moments of your life worrying about you could have when you don't? If you're really worried about your swollen glands then by all means see a doctor, but glands can and do swell up from time to time.

28-06-14, 20:53
I sometimes take omeprazole but that too causes side effects or doesnt work much. I have LPR rather than GERD. So mine is not really being treated which puts me at higher risk. I might even already have cancer judging by the swollen glands I have. Yes lots of people have reflux but its difficult to say what is serious and what is not. What about people who get barretts and then get cancer? It could be any one of us who gets it. Why are you so confident its not serious? Cancer doesnt care who it attacks next. You could be young or old, smoker or non smoker, white or black, it doesnt care.

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

100% of the 99% who get reflux wont die from it because thats just normal reflux. Mine is a different case. It is persistent. Diet or lifestyle doesnt improve it. We need 24 hour protection through heavy doses of omeprazole. Its a life of misery at best and at worst, it will lead to throat cancer and then from that point onwards it will be a horrible way to die.

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

No i dont have treatment for anxiety. The doctors would only give me more drugs to take!

They dont usually stay swollen for a month though do they?

Omeprazole won't work if you only take it sometimes. It takes a little while for it to build up in your system. It would be worth giving it a try for a month or so, if that doesn't work then you could go back to your doctor for a higher dose or an alternative medication. There's quite a few treatments out there which help reflux.

I'm just saying that it is normal to get reflux, and it is also common to get it regularly. I really recommend you going back to your doctor again and speaking about this - it's obviously effecting you mentally very much so it would be worth it. My entire family are on medication for it and it really helps.

Yes, cancer is indiscriminate but this does not mean you have it, and that doesn't mean you have to spend your life worrying about it. The chances of you getting Barrett's is still slim even with your reflux disease, especially if you go and get treatment, you must remember that.

And yes, glands can stay swollen for a long time depending on the reason. Sometimes they swell up and stay swollen for no reason (this happened to me). A simple blood test can indicate whether there is something more serious going on.

28-06-14, 20:57
Reflux issues, whether GERD or LPR aren't necessarily permanent. Given you suffer from anxiety it could simply go away when you deal with your anxiety, or alternatively it can be entirely elevated with diet. I have silent reflux and omeprozole didn't help at all, but diet has pretty much got rid of it. Whoever has told you it's permanent is talking rubbish: if it's due to hiatal hernia it is but otherwise that's just garbage.

The increased cancer risk is very small, and is zero if you deal with it.

As much as 1/3 of the British population are estimated to develop reflux (silent or otherwise), it really isn't at all serious.

28-06-14, 21:15
Omeprazole won't work if you only take it sometimes. It takes a little while for it to build up in your system. It would be worth giving it a try for a month or so, if that doesn't work then you could go back to your doctor for a higher dose or an alternative medication.

If it doesnt work, increase the dose. That is terrible treatment. Doctors should learn more about how to fix problems not just increase dosages. omeprazole used to work like antacids for me. They would work in half an hour. But Sometimes they do not work at all. So why should i need to take it for a month if it sometimes works immediately? explain to me. Omeprazole doesnt stop pepsin reflux.

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

A simple blood test can indicate whether there is something more serious going on. Unfortunately not. It requires a full surgical biopsy to be sure if its cancerous. Nothing else will do. Biopsies are not for the faint hearted.

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

Reflux issues, whether GERD or LPR aren't necessarily permanent. Given you suffer from anxiety it could simply go away when you deal with your anxiety, or alternatively it can be entirely elevated with diet. I have silent reflux and omeprozole didn't help at all, but diet has pretty much got rid of it. Whoever has told you it's permanent is talking rubbish: if it's due to hiatal hernia it is but otherwise that's just garbage.

The increased cancer risk is very small, and is zero if you deal with it.

As much as 1/3 of the British population are estimated to develop reflux (silent or otherwise), it really isn't at all serious.

It did go away or at least it went away to the point that LPR was not an issue in my life, for about 5 months, and now its come back again. During the time it wasnt an issue, I got occasional problems but not like what is happening now.
And I also feasted on pizza, pastries and other delights during that time with no problem at all. And now, I cant eat anything without it worsening my throat symptoms. Its very cruel.

If you dont think its serious, why are people dying from it? Isnt it serious if LPR is implicated in throat cancer even in non smokers? Just imagine pouring acid on your finger every single day, for the next 50 years. Your throat is 100 times more sensitive than your finger. Just imagine what damage is being done as I type this.

28-06-14, 21:34
If reflux has given you some inflammation, a day here and there on a PPi won't do much. Sure, it will reduce the acid but it won't cure the inflammation immediately! If you still feel acid burning on a low dose, the doctor is obviously increasing your dose to a therapeutic level to reduce your acid thus allowing the stomach or oesophagus, or both, to heal. Maybe go back to your doctor, there are other PPI's to try, I am taking Lansoprazole for mine.

I have found GERD/GORD to be fairly common amongst anxiety sufferers. Google search REFLUX/GERD/ACID INDIGESTION and No more panic together and see for yourself.

Hope you feel better soon.

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

I am also waiting for a Endoscopy appointment to see what is going on. Many people on here have had endoscopies, it is my understanding that biopsies are taken from the gullet/stomach/duodenum while the camera is down, and that most people can't even feel the tissue being taken. Admittedly, I am not looking forward to the endoscopy, but I will opt for sedation and hopefully it won't be too bad.

---------- Post added at 21:34 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

Serenity is absolutely right. Reflux is very common (particularly for anxiety sufferers) and rarely serious. I know of three people who have been scoped and told they have NERD. (Non-erosive or Functional reflux disease) of these three, one went on to develop GERD (which was due to a hiatus hernia but was controlled very well with PPI's and Gaviscon) the other two got completely better when their stress levels reduced.

28-06-14, 21:51
are you going for the transnasal endoscopy or normal? Its not serious if its being adequately treated I agree. But the problem with LPR is many of us cannot find any relief even after surgery, medication and lifestyle changes. That means we are at higher risk because it is not being adequately treated. LPR is more serious than GERD anyway. The throat is much more easily damaged. And as I said its not just a case of worrying about cancer, it seriously diminishes your enjoyment of life. You can rarely eat out and you can say goodbye to all your favourite foods. It also stops you from sleeping because it can choke you while you are asleep. It can attack you just when you trying to get a good nights sleep.

28-06-14, 21:54
I am having the camera down my throat, I believe. What scope did you have?

28-06-14, 21:55
If you dont think its serious, why are people dying from it? Isnt it serious if LPR is implicated in throat cancer even in non smokers? Just imagine pouring acid on your finger every single day, for the next 50 years. Your throat is 100 times more sensitive than your finger. Just imagine what damage is being done as I type this.

OK firstly lets just establish that "acid" isn't homogeneous. Pouring something highly acidic like battery acid on your finger will create issues; pouring something mildly acidic like orange juice on your finger would be less problematic. Orange juice has a similar pH as the acid from your stomach. So in a manner of speaking we're talking about a similar risk to your oesophagus as drinking orange juice three times a day. As a side-note I would also add that if you have silent reflux what's coming back up isn't necessarily always acid: a big chunk of it is foodstuff.

Secondly, as I've mentioned above there's no reason at all this will happen every day for the next fifty years. You said yourself it went away for a few months. That wasn't random, there's some causation behind it, I suspect either dietary or anxiety. Both of these can be corrected long term.

Now why are people dying from it? Well the short answer is they aren't. Well not directly. Yes it's true that if you have acid reflux that can wear away the outer layer of your oesophagus and the cell re-growth in the repair increases cancer risk. However there's a very easy solution to this in the form of Gaviscon, which neutralises the pH thus preventing any degeneration of the oesophagus. If you are unlucky and have reflux every day for eternity then a Gaviscon tablet with each meal will pretty much eradicate the cancer risk.

But for context, 0.03% of those with reflux die of oesophageal cancer each year. 0.012% of those without reflux die of oesophageal cancer each year. So your chances of dying of it are 0.018 percentage points higher than someone without it. These are really not numbers worth worrying about. :yesyes:

Catherine S
28-06-14, 22:02
Way to go Serenity! :D

28-06-14, 22:04
Well, that made me feel better :)

28-06-14, 22:16
a quick google search tells me that orange juice has ph 3.5 while stomach acid is from 1.5 to 3.5. This is a big difference. So now do you still believe its like drinking orange juice? The damage from LPR is clearly much more severe than drinking juice. Everybody drinks orange juice. There is no risk from that at all. What comes up is a combination of pepsin which sticks to the throat and remains potentially active and acid. I think you are trying to trivialise the seriousness of this condition and it just isnt justified. If anything, it seems to be even more serious than we once thought. Maybe people who get 'asthma' either have LPR instead or they have asthma which is worsened by LPR?
I am in favor of being reassured through reasoned arguments but your arguments are either false or not well justified.

Yes it went away for a while but the problem is this. The cycle of damage and repair is what I believe causes changes which lead to cancer. I have read about this somewhere. Even if it does go away, it only comes back again after while. It seems that is just as damaging if not more so than if it were continuous. Its tempting to think there is a reason behind the cessation but I think I read that is the nature of the condition. It comes and goes. It is not dietary related so its a waste of time in my view paying close attention to your diet.

Statistics are meaningless when you are suffering an illness. I already am one of the unlucky ones arent I considering that I have LPR even though I am not overweight, a non smoker and a non drinker? Who is to say there isnt more bad luck coming my way?
Some people just get very unlucky in life. Thats the problem. Its not nice but its just true isnt it?

28-06-14, 22:28
What scope did you have, Chung?

28-06-14, 22:39
a quick google search tells me that orange juice has ph 3.5 while stomach acid is from 1.5 to 3.5. This is a big difference. So now do you still believe its like drinking orange juice? The damage from LPR is clearly much more severe than drinking juice. Everybody drinks orange juice. There is no risk from that at all. What comes up is a combination of pepsin which sticks to the throat and remains potentially active and acid. I think you are trying to trivialise the seriousness of this condition and it just isnt justified. If anything, it seems to be even more serious than we once thought. Maybe people who get 'asthma' either have LPR instead or they have asthma which is worsened by LPR?
I am in favor of being reassured through reasoned arguments but your arguments are either false or not well justified.

Yes it went away for a while but the problem is this. The cycle of damage and repair is what I believe causes changes which lead to cancer. I have read about this somewhere. Even if it does go away, it only comes back again after while. It seems that is just as damaging if not more so than if it were continuous. Its tempting to think there is a reason behind the cessation but I think I read that is the nature of the condition. It comes and goes. It is not dietary related so its a waste of time in my view paying close attention to your diet.

Statistics are meaningless when you are suffering an illness. I already am one of the unlucky ones arent I considering that I have LPR even though I am not overweight, a non smoker and a non drinker? Who is to say there isnt more bad luck coming my way?
Some people just get very unlucky in life. Thats the problem. Its not nice but its just true isnt it?

It would be incredibly rare for oesophageal pH to drop below 3 for any sustained period. In individuals with reflux a pH of around 3-4 after meals is expected. In normal individuals the pH would be less than 2 on around five occasions per day anyway (Streets et al, 2003). In normal individuals the modal pH is 5-7, those with reflux it's more like 3-7. This is because whilst pH of stomach acid is very low in its pure form, by the time it's travelled through the stomach, sloshed together with some food and made the journey up your oesophagus it's far less acidic.

I've quoted the statistics above, I still maintain that it's pointless worrying of a 0.018 percentage point increase in your chances of getting a very very rare form of cancer. And this increased risk can be all but irradiated with an inexpensive over-the-counter digestive remedy.

Yes reflux is annoying, I know, I have to deal with it too. But this is one of those things that there's no pill to fix, it's a matter of you doing the reading around the issue, experimenting with diet and seeing what triggers it with you. Assuming you don't have a hiatal hernia it's well within your reach to resolve this completely, IMO.

28-06-14, 22:43
What scope did you have, Chung?
I haven't had one yet. Which type of scope did you have? I have read that transnal is thinner and easier to endure.

28-06-14, 22:47
I am having one that goes into my throat rather than up my nose. I have read that the nasal ones are easier to tolerate, but I am having the sedation so hopefully I won't know too much about it. How were you diagnosed with LPR? GP?

28-06-14, 23:11
How were you diagnosed with LPR? GP?
googled it

28-06-14, 23:26
Uh oh! Dr Google! (he is very often completely wrong you know)

I wouldn't be so sure you have it, until you have been properly diagnosed by a doctor or gastroenterologist. There are different types of reflux. LPR is not diagnosed unless a scope has been done in the majority of cases. Have you tried raising the head of your bed? Maybe go back to your doctor talk about the PPI's? Maybe try Gaviscon advance too, after meals - that really helps, it works by reducing the PH of stomach acid and forming a raft over the acid, so when it is refluxed it protects the oesophagus and throat. Hope you find some relief. Reflux is horrible. x

28-06-14, 23:34
It would be incredibly rare for oesophageal pH to drop below 3 for any sustained period. In individuals with reflux a pH of around 3-4 after meals is expected. In normal individuals the pH would be less than 2 on around five occasions per day anyway (Streets et al, 2003). In normal individuals the modal pH is 5-7, those with reflux it's more like 3-7. This is because whilst pH of stomach acid is very low in its pure form, by the time it's travelled through the stomach, sloshed together with some food and made the journey up your oesophagus it's far less acidic.

I've quoted the statistics above, I still maintain that it's pointless worrying of a 0.018 percentage point increase in your chances of getting a very very rare form of cancer. And this increased risk can be all but irradiated with an inexpensive over-the-counter digestive remedy.

Yes reflux is annoying, I know, I have to deal with it too. But this is one of those things that there's no pill to fix, it's a matter of you doing the reading around the issue, experimenting with diet and seeing what triggers it with you. Assuming you don't have a hiatal hernia it's well within your reach to resolve this completely, IMO.

if you have LPR even orange juice can be harmful. The throat is so sensitive that it doesnt need a ph level of 1 to damage it. The damage occurs at much higher levels. If the statistics are so accurate, why did I get LPR in the first place? Whether its rare or not you never know how much bad luck you will get in life. What is the actual number of people who die of esophageal cancer? Percentages can look small but if the population is large, the percentage is not that small. We are probably looking at thousands of people.

Diet cannot fix this problem. At best it can help, at worst it doesnt play any part. LPR (which is different from acid reflux) is an incurable and usually permanent condition. There is no hope for many sufferers. Obviously you are not one of those people.

We have all tried the usual things you mention. PPIS, gaviscon, raising the bed etc Gaviscon never really did much good for me. It doesnt provide long enough protection anyway. Surgery is more like the only possible solution. Why are you recommending gaviscon instead of surgery? Gaviscon is fine for mild symptoms. The risk of cancer is highest for people who have persistent and severe symptoms.

Many people do not want to be on PPIS for life. They have horrible side effects and may not fully control your symptoms. Its not just acid its other enzymes too. Once LPR gets going, anything even food can irritate your throat.

Statistics is about chance. It doesnt tell us exactly who will or wont get cancer. It doesnt tell us why some get it and some dont. It doesnt tell us if or how it can be prevented. Statistics can be misleading and meaningless. It depends on how you interpret it and how the data is collected.
Statistics does not tell me what will happen to my particular condition.

Catherine S
28-06-14, 23:40
You don't know you have it if its only Google telling you. What did your doctor say Chung?


28-06-14, 23:44
Uh oh! Dr Google! (he is very often completely wrong you know)

I wouldn't be so sure you have it, until you have been properly diagnosed by a doctor or gastroenterologist. There are different types of reflux. LPR is not diagnosed unless a scope has been done in the majority of cases. Have you tried raising the head of your bed? Maybe go back to your doctor talk about the PPI's? Maybe try Gaviscon advance too, after meals - that really helps, it works by reducing the PH of stomach acid and forming a raft over the acid, so when it is refluxed it protects the oesophagus and throat. Hope you find some relief. Reflux is horrible. x

I find that I can get more information through google than through my gp. I have become more reliant on my own medical research than my gp.

LPR, GERD, reflux etc these are just names. I know that my symptoms are related to acid and pepsin reflux. There is nothing else which would cause such damage and redness and soreness.

I dont raise my bed, because I get symptoms even when trying to sleep upright so what am I supposed to do?

Im sick of being told the usual advice of ''have you raised your bed?'' or ''have you stopped dairy products?'' or ''have you tried a different PPI?''
Of course I have either thought of these things or tried them.

LPR is a silent killer. It is sometimes called silent reflux.

---------- Post added at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:42 ----------

You don't know you have it if its only Google telling you. What did your doctor say Chung?


Of course I have it. I have had it for several years now. The ENT I saw dismissed that it was LPR. He did not even look at my throat. He just sat there and listened to me and then dismissed it.

I have done my research and can tell you some doctors may not even know what LPR is. Some may deny it exists. And most doctors simply dont know how to treat it. It is a terrible condition and you are very unlucky if you ever get it. Its permanent.

28-06-14, 23:58
Maybe you should ask your GP to refer you to a gastroenterologist.

You have not had an LPR diagnosis. It was dismissed by your ENT. You need proper medical advice. We are not doctors, neither are you, and NOR IS GOOGLE. You have, however, had well meaning and helpful advice from reflux sufferers here, one of whom has actually been diagnosed with silent reflux. We have all tried to help you and offer advice. I cannot offer anything further and am out of this conversation. Good luck.

29-06-14, 00:20
Dr google cannot diagnose you - go and see a "real" person and get it sorted and stop googling

29-06-14, 00:35
Dr. Google once told me I was pregnant. I was really shocked, partly because I'd always been careful to use protection, partly because I'd broken up with my partner a good few months before, but mostly because I was male (and by the way still am).

You may well have GERD or silent reflux. 1/3 of people in this country do. It's not a serious condition, it's very treatable and manageable, it won't kill you and - as long as it's not secondary to a hernia - entirely reversible. Oh, and it's also a common anxiety symptom, which is a condition you know you have!

On another note, I struggle to decipher the logic in posting on a public forum asking for advice and reassurance if you tell everyone their advice is wrong and you refuse to be reassured!

29-06-14, 00:47
Dr. Google once told me I was pregnant. I was really shocked, partly because I'd always been careful to use protection, partly because I'd broken up with my partner a good few months before, but mostly because I was male (and by the way still am).

You may well have GERD or silent reflux. 1/3 of people in this country do. It's not a serious condition, it's very treatable and manageable, it won't kill you and - as long as it's not secondary to a hernia - entirely reversible. Oh, and it's also a common anxiety symptom, which is a condition you know you have!

On another note, I struggle to decipher the logic in posting on a public forum asking for advice and reassurance if you tell everyone their advice is wrong and you refuse to be reassured!

I second this. As a sufferer of reflux (I don't know what type specifically) I can tell you 100% it's not as serious as you are saying it is, and you can reduce your symptoms through diet changes and/or medication. It is not a life threatening illness - far from it! I'm telling this to you as a fellow sufferer.

I'm not sure what you're trying to get out of this forum if you're just going to disregard people's help.

29-06-14, 01:43
Dr. Google once told me I was pregnant. I was really shocked, partly because I'd always been careful to use protection, partly because I'd broken up with my partner a good few months before, but mostly because I was male (and by the way still am).

You may well have GERD or silent reflux. 1/3 of people in this country do. It's not a serious condition, it's very treatable and manageable, it won't kill you and - as long as it's not secondary to a hernia - entirely reversible. Oh, and it's also a common anxiety symptom, which is a condition you know you have!

On another note, I struggle to decipher the logic in posting on a public forum asking for advice and reassurance if you tell everyone their advice is wrong and you refuse to be reassured!

google did not say you were pregnant you interpreted that you were. I do have silent reflux and I have diagnosed it myself. I went to the trouble of seeing an ENT and they failed to see it was LPR because they were not knowledgeable.
There is nothing wrong with a self diagnosis. Its not really a condition which you can mistake for something else. Why do you think I may have GERD? If you knew the difference between GERD and lpr you would never say that. GERD is heartburn. I rarely have heartburn. You cant expect me to be reassured when you are giving false information. It is misleading to say its not serious. You dont have LPR do you? Where is the evidence its reversible? Or that its very treatable? I have been on forums where other people are not getting any relief from any treatment. I am also not getting much relief. It has been proven that acid and pepsin together, cause terrible damage to the tissue. It is normally used to digest protein but instead it digests your throat tissue. If you think that is not serious, then I dont think you are being serious either.

---------- Post added at 01:43 ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 ----------

I second this. As a sufferer of reflux (I don't know what type specifically) I can tell you 100% it's not as serious as you are saying it is, and you can reduce your symptoms through diet changes and/or medication. It is not a life threatening illness - far from it! I'm telling this to you as a fellow sufferer.

how can you not know what type of reflux you have? what are your symptoms?

Some people just have vague symptoms which are not reflux at all or just minor reflux which everybody gets from time to time. GERD CAN actually kill you. Or it can be a minor inconvenience. There is a wide variability

29-06-14, 01:52
So you think you know better than not just a doctor but a specialist with eleven years of training, additional training in their specialism and doubtlessly many years of experience, just on the basis of your own internet searches. Do you honestly think this is rational?

I never said you had GERD so I've no idea where the second part of your rant came from.

Please don't start trying to tell me what I have and haven't got. Unlike you I've been through the process of being diagnosed by someone who knows what they're doing, I thank you for your advice but I'll trust their opinion.

29-06-14, 01:52
You should look for a professional's opinion. Look for another ENT. Maybe do some research first about which doctors have good reputations.

These people are trying to give reassurances and you're being defensive and shooting them down so I'm not sure what you're trying to get here.

29-06-14, 02:43
Also I would question the suitability of this hyperbolic rhetoric regarding the seriousness of reflux issues on an anxiety forum. It's a very common non-serious disease with incredibly rare complications; you're making it out to be something far worse. Given it's a very common anxiety symptom I worry this might really panic some poor fellow reading this thread.