View Full Version : Anyone ever come off Inderal after taking them for a long time?

28-06-14, 20:59
I was prescribed Inderal about 4 years ago after developing horrible benign pvc's. They helped but never completely took them away so my doc raised my dose which still didn't take them away but I think I finally accepted them as benign and yes they still drive me nuts but not as bad as in the beginning. I've also always had a fast heart rate which these have helped but still have it almost all the time. My doc says I can come off these whenever I want so I've been thinking about doing that. The reasons being I have gained about 40 lbs since being on them, I have no energy whatsoever and any little thing just wears me out after only a few minutes, and I feel it may be contributing to my shortness of breath. Only reason I'm so afraid of coming off them is that my heart will race even more and my pvc's will come back with a vengeance! I'm currently on 40 mgs 3x daily. Anyone have any experience coming off this and what is the absolute slowest way to wean myself off? Did anyone notice a increase in anxiety coming off it? Its never helped with my anxieties so I'm hoping it won't make them any worse coming off!