View Full Version : Anything that bangs (or makes a loud noise)

28-06-14, 21:45
Hi guys - I saw that there have been topics on this in the past, but they were all 2+ years old, so I thought it would be ok to start a new thread :)

Basically, ever since I was a kid, I have been terrified of anything that bangs or makes a loud, startling noise. I don't really know when it started because I have memories of being a very young child at birthday parties and having fun bursting balloons, firing cap guns etc., with no problem at all.

I now have to avoid any situations where there is a chance of something banging or making a loud noise unexpectedly and obviously guy fawkes night is a massive nightmare! As much as I have tried to get over it as I've gotten older, I really can't. As an example, I recently attended a birthday party for a friend's young daughter, where there were obviously a lot of balloons... I was on edge the whole time and repeatedly had to make excuses to leave the room and even go out of the house.

It is so incredibly disruptive to a lot of situations (way more than you would expect) and therefore, I'd love to try and resolve the underlying problems, so any advice that anyone can provide would be really really really appreciated!

Many thanks :)

28-06-14, 21:53
Before i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety I could go to the loudest places I was fine. Since, I've been left flinching at noises such as fast cars, balloons popping, sudden music, things falling and breaking. Doors banging you name it I jump out of my skin, I guess it has something to do with the toll taken on my nervous system. Do you suffer any other levels of anxiety, if so my guess is that's making you sensitive. Hope that helps.

28-06-14, 22:00
Hi Mandy, thanks for the reply :)

Up until I was an adult I didn't really suffer from anything else anxiety wise (at least I don't think I did), yet I've always had this fear of bangs and loud noises (ever since I was about 5 or 6, I guess). Like you, I am very jumpy around the silliest of things and really do flinch a lot whenever I hear something unexpected. Worse than that is the fear of knowing that something might bang or make a loud noise... That puts me on edge like nothing else!

Have you managed to take any steps towards reducing / stopping it happening?

28-06-14, 22:12
I suffer with this quite a bit. But with me, it's the unexpected bang or loud noise. If I see a Car approaching I know it will be making a noise, but if someone starts up a motorbike or Police turn on their siren, my whole body jumps out of its skin. (Not literally, just a figure of speech).
I think this is down to the nerves and because us anxious people think something bad is about to happen, the Bang/Loud noise is maybe mis-interpreted as an explosion or crash or something.
I only said the other day, "Thank God, I wasn't living through the War years, I really wouldn't be able to cope with all those bombs and aircraft". I don't know how those people lived through all that, it must have been a nightmare!!!:ohmy:

28-06-14, 23:35
Even on anti depressants I haven't found a cure , I temporarily tried for anxiety diazapam and that worked as a muscle relaxant but I felt so dosey I came off, plus as they are super addictive they are not recommended as a permanent measure. I have been recommended kalms as an alternative, which I haven't tried but will try anything :)

29-06-14, 00:18
I'm the same... I am def worst with the unexpected noises, although I still hate anything loud - i.e. even if I knew someone was about to burst a balloon, and I could control exactly when it happened, I would still really hate it.

As I said, no idea if it's linked to my anxiety or not due to the fact that I had it as a child and don't really remember being anxious about much growing up - I was quite a shy kid though and haven't really enjoyed confrontation too much due to things at home... That's a whole other story though! :)

29-06-14, 21:47
Hi AnxietyDJ, I'm like this too. I've been like it since I was a kid, still can't stand balloons being popped near me, it makes me really nervy and on edge, I hate bangs etc. I've always suffered with my nerves since my anxiety problems started. Drivers pipping makes me feel on edge and jumpy. When I was at school, kids used to startle me on purpose because they knew how bad my nerves were :doh:

I avoid going to noisy places too and avoid loud music, fireworks. You were really brave to go the your friends daughters party even though there were balloons popping:). It must have been anxious, stressful for you but you went and did great, I bet they were happy to see you at the party :D

When I was at a party when I was a kid, we played a game where we tied balloons around our ankles and had to stamp on other peoples balloons until only 1 person was left with balloons. I only coped for a few seconds and had a panic attack and broke down in tears. I then ran out of the room and refused to go back in until the game was over. I do feel my anxiety and nerves are linked.

Have you talked about this with your doctor or a therapist ?
If your not sure if this linked with your anxiety, you could still ask your doctor for advice or information :) and of course, there's always information online. Some people just dont like loud noises and bangs and thats perfectly ok :) I imagine most people dislike balloons being popped near them or very loud music, bangs etc. Hope this helps.

29-06-14, 22:01
I'm not usually very jumpy with noises,but since I've been taking mirtazapine I've been "startled" very easily.
I was in the waiting room at the doctors the other day,and when the buzzer went,I nearly hit the ceiling! Lol
Normally it wouldn't bother me at all.:)

30-06-14, 01:28
Hi AnxietyDJ, I'm like this too. I've been like it since I was a kid, still can't stand balloons being popped near me, it makes me really nervy and on edge, I hate bangs etc. I've always suffered with my nerves since my anxiety problems started. Drivers pipping makes me feel on edge and jumpy. When I was at school, kids used to startle me on purpose because they knew how bad my nerves were :doh:

I avoid going to noisy places too and avoid loud music, fireworks. You were really brave to go the your friends daughters party even though there were balloons popping:). It must have been anxious, stressful for you but you went and did great, I bet they were happy to see you at the party :D

When I was at a party when I was a kid, we played a game where we tied balloons around our ankles and had to stamp on other peoples balloons until only 1 person was left with balloons. I only coped for a few seconds and had a panic attack and broke down in tears. I then ran out of the room and refused to go back in until the game was over. I do feel my anxiety and nerves are linked.

Have you talked about this with your doctor or a therapist ?
If your not sure if this linked with your anxiety, you could still ask your doctor for advice or information :) and of course, there's always information online. Some people just dont like loud noises and bangs and thats perfectly ok :) I imagine most people dislike balloons being popped near them or very loud music, bangs etc. Hope this helps.

Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply and kind words :) Sorry to hear that you also encounter a lot of the same stresses with loud noises and bangs... It can be awful :( As I said before, I was always fine with it as a small child... I just wish I could remember how and when the fears kicked in :shrug:

I always grew up in quite a 'macho' environment... My family and friends were the type that would laugh at you if you got upset about something they deemed as silly, so I always tried to hide my fear as best I could, which led to it being worse I think.

I've never told a doctor (or anyone) about this fear - maybe I should... I just had it in my head that I was the only one who felt this way... I've never met anyone else that did (unless, like me, they hid it away of course), so felt a bit ashamed of myself.

Strangely, the one thing that I do like being loud, is music (I probably listen to it too loud in fact!) :)

Hope you've had a good weekend!

30-06-14, 11:02
I am the same. Someone put a firework (a banger) in my coat pocket as a child.
I won't have balloons in the house even for grand child. Everyone knows my problem
with this. I don't mind loud music if it something I like. But not sudden bangsxx

30-06-14, 16:01
I am the same. Someone put a firework (a banger) in my coat pocket as a child.
I won't have balloons in the house even for grand child. Everyone knows my problem
with this. I don't mind loud music if it something I like. But not sudden bangsxx

Thanks for the reply, Magic... It's so reassuring to know that it isn't just me!

Is everyone ok with you not liking bangs? I'm so worried how people would react if I told them :unsure:

03-07-14, 23:11
Same with me even someone clicking the light switch can make me jump and my heart thud. We're hypersensitive.

04-07-14, 01:57
Same with me even someone clicking the light switch can make me jump and my heart thud. We're hypersensitive.

Don't say that so loud... You made me jump :blush:

24-11-14, 20:17
Hi. I too have this problem. It started with a balloon I was playing with bursting when I was about 5 or 6. I was scared out of my wits by the big bang it made and the fact that one second it was a nice big yellow floaty globe and the next it made the bang and bits flew everywhere.
For years after that and to this day I have suffered anxiety attacks when anywhere near balloons. I did manage to make progress in my teens and twenties and eventually managed to blow balloons up in private but could never bring myself to burst them. I wrongly thought that blowing a balloon up then sticking a pin into it would make me accept the bang but I couldnt even bring myself to burst the balloon.
My biggest problem is when balloons are in the hands of others and I have no control over when the bang may come. Ive been around people blowing balloons up and though they blow them up to full they can tie them off and not burst any. Its the fear of the unexpected bang that does it and I have to say that through my life it has been a major problem to me. I completely understand why anyone has this problem and its amazing just how many people have a fear of sudden loud noises of all sorts. I still jump when there is any loud unexpected noise outside but a lot of these noises are totally unexpected. The worst for me is where the noise is anticipated, as in the case of balloons being blown up.
When I was young and indeed all my life I have been afraid to admit to anyone that I could be afraid of being around balloons and that I have a fear of loud bangs.
Fireworks were also a major cause of this anxiety and I have always hated them. I can do all sorts of things that demand a bit of courage but if any of you sat next to me and pulled out a balloon and started to blow it up I would be off! Crazy but thats my life.
I'd like to say that I could suggest how you nice people could avercome this but Ive tried a lot of things and never found an answer. The advent of the internet and websites like this at least let us know that a lot of others suffer from it and its a relief to be able to discuss it and chat about it with others.

01-12-14, 04:33
I was there when my mom shot herself so I have PTSD and banging / loud noises scare me too... So I'm sorry you are going through this.

08-12-14, 09:59
I suffer with this quite a bit. But with me, it's the unexpected bang or loud noise. If I see a Car approaching I know it will be making a noise, but if someone starts up a motorbike or Police turn on their siren, my whole body jumps out of its skin. (Not literally, just a figure of speech).
I think this is down to the nerves and because us anxious people think something bad is about to happen, the Bang/Loud noise is maybe mis-interpreted as an explosion or crash or something.
I only said the other day, "Thank God, I wasn't living through the War years, I really wouldn't be able to cope with all those bombs and aircraft". I don't know how those people lived through all that, it must have been a nightmare!!!:ohmy:


¿Have you ever tried to produce yourself this kind of noises (I mean, a sound track played intentionally)? It might be a controlled way of desesensitisation: you control the noises, but the sound itself is more or less unexpected... It has been effective in my case, with an audio editor and sounds downloaded from the web (all free).

Hope this works also with you.:hugs::hugs:

27-08-15, 16:29
Hey again everyone... Sorry to resurrect this thread from the NMP vaults :noangel:

Two of my friends are getting married next weekend, and are having a real DIY wedding, which means I am required to help with a lot of the setup (I am best man).

It will sound so silly, i'm sure, but I am getting really worked up about the possibility of being required to sort out the balloons for the hall. Firstly, I don't even know if they are having balloons and secondly, I don't even know if I would be asked to help with them, but if they are, and I am, I don't know how I can get out of it without looking like a complete idiot or oddball?! I'm going through quite a good period right now anxiety-wise, but am starting to feel really on edge about this. Balloons are my arch-nemesis when it comes to my fear of bangs!

Any advice on what I should say or do?!

Thanks as always :)

29-08-15, 04:47
Hey again everyone... Sorry to resurrect this thread from the NMP vaults :noangel:

Two of my friends are getting married next weekend, and are having a real DIY wedding, which means I am required to help with a lot of the setup (I am best man).

It will sound so silly, i'm sure, but I am getting really worked up about the possibility of being required to sort out the balloons for the hall. Firstly, I don't even know if they are having balloons and secondly, I don't even know if I would be asked to help with them, but if they are, and I am, I don't know how I can get out of it without looking like a complete idiot or oddball?! I'm going through quite a good period right now anxiety-wise, but am starting to feel really on edge about this. Balloons are my arch-nemesis when it comes to my fear of bangs!

Any advice on what I should say or do?!

Thanks as always :)

My advice is just to be really honest. First, ask them if they are having balloons. If not, you're off the hook. If yes, I'd just let them know about your fear. My mom is the same way, and I've never thought that it was a weird phobia. She actually sees black spots when she hears a loud noise. I don't know anyone who actually enjoys balloons popping (or any surprise loud noises for that matter). They are your friends, and if they are good, true friends they should understand. And if they don't, then shame on them.

06-11-15, 17:19
I am exactly the same issue . I have just posted something if you would like to read. Thank God I`m not the only person. Everyone thinks I`m stupid or a baby. Do you know how common it is . Best of Luck, thinking of you all xx

03-01-16, 23:44
I have suffered like this but it's been my whole life and we have found out it is sensor processing disorder, I hear sounds louder than the average human and certain frequencies can trigger panic attacks.
Ear defenders/ plugs and headphones are very good for keeping the noise at bay

12-06-17, 05:03
Hi guys - I saw that there have been topics on this in the past, but they were all 2+ years old, so I thought it would be ok to start a new thread :)

Basically, ever since I was a kid, I have been terrified of anything that bangs or makes a loud, startling noise. I don't really know when it started because I have memories of being a very young child at birthday parties and having fun bursting balloons, firing cap guns etc., with no problem at all.

I now have to avoid any situations where there is a chance of something banging or making a loud noise unexpectedly and obviously guy fawkes night is a massive nightmare! As much as I have tried to get over it as I've gotten older, I really can't. As an example, I recently attended a birthday party for a friend's young daughter, where there were obviously a lot of balloons... I was on edge the whole time and repeatedly had to make excuses to leave the room and even go out of the house.

It is so incredibly disruptive to a lot of situations (way more than you would expect) and therefore, I'd love to try and resolve the underlying problems, so any advice that anyone can provide would be really really really appreciated!

Many thanks :)

Hello. We have spoken before in the past. I initially came to see how you were holding up! Me, being a Highly Sensitive Person, I have a very hard time with loud noises so I understand completely. I also tend to avoid them which I know doesn't help but I haven't found anything to be particularly helpful because it's just who I am

12-06-17, 22:39
Hello. We have spoken before in the past. I initially came to see how you were holding up! Me, being a Highly Sensitive Person, I have a very hard time with loud noises so I understand completely. I also tend to avoid them which I know doesn't help but I haven't found anything to be particularly helpful because it's just who I am

Hello! I'm doing pretty well... I haven't been on here too often of late but I got a notification to say you'd replied... Sorry to hear that you also experience the same issues related to loud noises. It's such a big issue for me - just a few days ago there was a thunderstorm that started whilst I was outside in my garage, and I had to hide away in there for ages until it stopped before I had the courage to head back down the garden into the house... I actually feel so pathetic even admitting that, which is why I suppose I have hidden it away from my RL for so long. The shame almost equals the fear at times.

Hope you're doing ok in general though :)

01-07-17, 15:44
Me too :(

28-08-17, 16:30
Hello! I'm doing pretty well... I haven't been on here too often of late but I got a notification to say you'd replied... Sorry to hear that you also experience the same issues related to loud noises. It's such a big issue for me - just a few days ago there was a thunderstorm that started whilst I was outside in my garage, and I had to hide away in there for ages until it stopped before I had the courage to head back down the garden into the house... I actually feel so pathetic even admitting that, which is why I suppose I have hidden it away from my RL for so long. The shame almost equals the fear at times.

Hope you're doing ok in general though :)

Hi Anxiety dj.

Nice to see you here again. I know the feeling and the fact that it just doesnt go away. Im the same and it wont change now. I managed to improve years ago from being terrified of things like balloons to being able to manage it a bit but I guess now it jjst wont go away.

All the best anyways.
