View Full Version : Anyone had panic attack on plane?

28-06-14, 23:17
What happened? And what did the cabin crew do?

Catherine S
29-06-14, 00:16
I'm claustrophobic so I've had a few panic attacks on flights over the years. Fortunately I was with someone when they happened and was able to blub into their shoulder so the cabin crew never really got involved. But I do remember one flight when one of the girls did ask if I was ok and if I needed anything.


30-06-14, 12:38
I took a panic attack on the plane back from Dublin on Friday. I rarely get panic attacks now in every day life but always seem to get them while flying now. I was sitting in the middle seat with my bf at the window side and a random guy on the aisle seat. This instantly made me feel uncomfortable and trapped. We were sitting in the middle of the plane. I always get a bit panicky after take off, even before I developed panic disorder and agroaphobia.

On Friday about 2 mins after take off and just as we were leaving off to the cruising height, I got that horrible heavy but light dizzy feeling you get in a plane and I said to my bf "crap, I'm having a panic attack!" it only lasted a sec but it was so intense and I grapped my bf full on and I accidentally grabbed the guy beside me's arm. I was reaching for my arm rest but if you have flown with Ryanair before, you will know how cramped it is in there. He said it was ok and don't worry about it but I was so ashamed and embarrassed even though it was an accident and I was reaching for something else other than him. I sat there welling up with embarrassment for the rest of the flight. I felt like I had totally lost control during that panic attack which has never happened before in any other attack.

The cabin crew never noticed me having an attack but I was ok with that tbh. If you do feel panicky though, especially if you are travelling on your own, let them know.

It scared and embarrassed me but it hasn't put me off flying for good. Next time I fly I will reserve a seat right at the front of back of the plane and sit on the aisle seat so if I feel panicky, I can get up and walk about and not feel like I am annoying anyone by asking them to let me out and back in every ten mins.

06-07-14, 22:33
Oh that sounds really stressful? Do u take anything?

13-07-14, 14:36
Unfortunately yes - I am lucky enough to be experiencing lessening panic attacks after years of suffering. Planes however still always result in a PA of some description for me.

I have never spoken to the cabin crew however after working for an airline for ten years I know that they are trained to deal with it. I would expect that airlines like BA and Virgins crew will handle it better than the Ryanairs of this world.

My tips for reducing the impact are as follows.

- get on the plane as late as possible to avoid the hanging around on the plane before take off

- pre book an exit row seat with extra legroom on the aisle. This normally costs £10 more but will give you piece of mind before and during the flight that you are not so confined to a small space.

- travel with someone 'who knows' talk to them during the times you feel anxious.....a distraction often works to lessen my anxiety.

- if you have to travel on your own get a Rubix cube to focus your mind. Chances are the person sitting next to you will comment on it and will strike up a conversation with you as a distraction. Tell them you are a nervous traveller.....it is amazing how often I find that revealing a little indication of my anxiety often helps to lessen the anxiety itself. People are naturally caring....they may want to check with you or disclose their own anxiety.

- smile......it is hard to feel fearful when you are smiling......get a funny e-book.

- have a camomile tea 15 mins before going on the plane....might relax you a bit.

I wish you well.

13-07-14, 15:04
I agree with Dubster I also try to follow the things he has mention.

I get panic attacks when flying mine start building in the departure lounge waiting to be called I feel trapped with no way out. I take a low dose diazepam to help me and always pay a bit extra for a seat with leg room.

I also down load a funny book to my I pod to listen to or play guess the country I'm over with my partner it helps and I'm talking instead of quietly worrying ( not much help over the Atlantic ocean though lol ).

Best wishes