View Full Version : Need some support.. :(

28-06-14, 23:39
Hello, I was just wondering if I could get some support off someone. Last Friday I came back off holiday, I went to Wales and the last 3 days of the holiday, I was up A&E constantly and I nearly had to stay in over night. The reason for this was because they found I had a pretty bad UTI infection so of course, they gave me anti biotics but they were concerned because I only have one kidney and they didn't want the infection spread to it. I went home early (was meant to come back on the saturday) so I could go home and rest and be in a familiar place.

Things were getting better until the Monday. I ended up getting rushed to the local hospital because I got much worse and it got to the point where I couldn't walk (from back pain) they did tests, bloods came back fine, temperature fine, heart rate fine and then, they did an ultra sound on my kidney. Thankfully, no scarring was on it, it's normal and functioning well. And no infection within it. They gave me more anti biotics because the previous ones were not working as well as they should so they gave me a much higher dosage I just finished my last one. And I've started worrying because the symptoms are still here and I don't know if they are meant to be gone by now so I've started panicking and to top things off I had an argument with my mum about it because she thinks it's the anxiety taking over and it's all in my head. I just don't want to get worse because if things do, and it gets to my kidney it could be potentially fatal to me and of course, the thought petrifies me.

I'd speak to my friends but, since I've left college (going to university in September) none of them have made much effort with me and they know nothing about what has gone on. I just need to have some support because my anxiety is so bad right now and I can't stop panicking. I usually do so well with it and haven't been like this in a year and half.. I'm so disappointed in myself :( so, if anyone could give me some advice or support it would be greatly appreciated :)

29-06-14, 00:00
Don't be disappointed in yourself... We all need extra support from time to time

29-06-14, 00:08
Emily Kate ...Hi sorry you are worrying, talk to your mum about how you feel and may be she can call the hospital A&E tomorrow morning for you and explain your medical situation and they can advice if more antibiotics are needed...you just finished the last one so you wont have much of a gap Inbetween if they think you need more...let us know how you get on. Take care Emily :hugs:

29-06-14, 00:40
Don't be disappointed in yourself... We all need extra support from time to time

That's true.. thank you :)

---------- Post added at 00:40 ---------- Previous post was at 00:39 ----------

Emily Kate ...Hi sorry you are worrying, talk to your mum about how you feel and may be she can call the hospital A&E tomorrow morning for you and explain your medical situation and they can advice if more antibiotics are needed...you just finished the last one so you wont have much of a gap Inbetween if they think you need more...let us know how you get on. Take care Emily :hugs:

I would, but she won't listen to me because of how many times we've already been and she thinks it's all in my head now and my anxiety is taking over. I'm going to have to try and get a doctors appointment on Monday and go from there.. and I will do, thank you :)

29-06-14, 00:44
Ah bless you :) let us know how you get on keep posting..sending you a hug

---------- Post added at 00:44 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------


29-06-14, 03:37
for one dont be dissapointed in yourself anxiety is a very nasty thing it can make you feel the symptoms you was having in the first place through worry of the mind it has happened to me before and ive gone back to the hospital and they have told me im fine your doing well. have you tryed a water detox water nothing else clear your system then if it is still the same go back to a&e or see your doctor im not 100% on the kidney thing because i have never had that problem im tlking from an anxiety point of veiw it is differant in us all and affects us all in a differant way just remember your friends might not be there for you but every single one of us are :)

29-06-14, 19:18
for one dont be dissapointed in yourself anxiety is a very nasty thing it can make you feel the symptoms you was having in the first place through worry of the mind it has happened to me before and ive gone back to the hospital and they have told me im fine your doing well. have you tryed a water detox water nothing else clear your system then if it is still the same go back to a&e or see your doctor im not 100% on the kidney thing because i have never had that problem im tlking from an anxiety point of veiw it is differant in us all and affects us all in a differant way just remember your friends might not be there for you but every single one of us are :)

It's hard not to be disappointed in myself because I've done so well and I just make myself angry because of it. :/ but I know where you're coming from because it has happened to me also in all fairness but I'm just thinking, I don't understand how anxiety can mimic a UTI infection..just baffles me :/ Yes, i'm currently on a water detox and I'm doing okay so far :) Thank you, it means a lot :)