View Full Version : Terrified, no idea what's happening

29-06-14, 02:19
Hi everyone, I'll do the introductions later, just need to get this out of the way first.

Basically for about six weeks now I haven't been feeling well, it started with constant sneezing and running eyes, then became a sore throat, cough, constant high-pitched squeak when breathing out and constant feeling of something stuck in the throat. After the first visit to my doctor, it was brushed off as a viral throat infection (on account of having an inflammed/red throat) that should clear up within a few days - it didn't.

Two weeks later I was back with a different doctor, who checked the throat and stated it was inflammed, he gave me a prescription for a seven day course of amoxicillin.

In the time between visits I ended up visiting an off-hours doctor in the middle of the night after giving myself a panic attack. After talking to him about some of the symptoms, he checked my lungs, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure and breathing - everything was normal. Told him I thought there was possibly an obstruction in the lungs or throat, he said there absolutely wasn't and attributed the cough to irritants in the air - dust, pollen etc. (have hayfever), gave an inhaler as a precaution (was very asthmatic years ago).

Been able to relax a little more, but three weeks have passed since the third visit to the doctors, there's still a persisting cough, still a slightly rough throat - which I'm assuming is because of the cough - still a squeaking, high-pitched noise when exhaling and a slight feeling of something in the chest. Nobody else can hear this noise and it's driving me nuts.

Due to see the original doctor again on Tuesday and after a lot of searching online, I'm starting to become frantic, thinking what if it could be the worst case scenario?

No idea what's going on right now, while I'm sure it's nothing to worry about since three different doctors could find no cause for concern and no other serious symptoms have come to light, I'm still terrified of the worst. It could be anything from something mild like allergies to something more serious such as the 'c' word connected to the lungs or throat.

I keep working myself now I'm losing so much sleep over it and constantly putting myself into states of panic which only seems to worsen the symptoms and draw more attention to them.

Any ideas what could be the cause of the physical stuff and how to avoid getting worked up over it?

29-06-14, 02:26
Anytime I have a cough it lingers for weeks and I get the squeaking/wheezing sounds like you do. The last time I had a cough I ended up in the off hours doctor too because I had a panic attack over it and a pain/feeling of something in my chest. He assured me I was fine and three doctors have assured you that you are fine so just try and stay away from google because it will just make you feel worse :)

29-06-14, 02:47
I was sick like this for about a week and my cough lingered for literally a whole month. I wouldnt worry about it much you'll be okay

30-06-14, 21:43
Thanks guys, feeling a little more optimistic. Coming to the conclusion it's a mixture of allergies, anxiety and psychology. I don't really feel the need to cough now, but I do it regardless because it's become a habit the last while, which in turn irritates my throat further and so on.

Appointment tomorrow, gonna ask for an X-ray just go be sure, hoping it goes well. :)

30-06-14, 21:51
Do you ever feel an excess amount of mucus in your throat and have to swallow it alot?

30-06-14, 21:58
Do you ever feel an excess amount of mucus in your throat and have to swallow it alot?

That comes and goes, yes. Postnasal drip? It's more noticeable at night when lying down, there's a tingly/trickly sensation in the back of the throat causing my eyes to water and force themselves shut.

01-07-14, 11:35
Little update, back from doctor's, nothing to be concerned about. Air intake, oxygen levels and peak flow are quite high, chest is clear as a bell, everything else seems to be a combination of allergens (mainly hay fever), rhinitis and worrying over nothing.

Thank goodness for that!

01-07-14, 16:55
Glad everythings ok, KaoruOkami :)

01-07-14, 21:36
You sound a bit like I've been this past week or so. I've also been to the doctor today with concerns about my lungs due to a cough that's been lingering on for a few weeks. It seems to be going round; in fact I've noticed a lot of posts on this forum with people concerned about coughing recently. I also have quite bad heartburn, which can cause a cough

Doc also checked my lungs and said they were clear. My peak flow was high too. I guess a cough can sometimes be just a cough. The trouble is the media and even NHS literature which seems to send people with HA scurrying to them when they put up posters everywhere telling us to be worried about prolonged coughs.

I came right out and asked "Do you have any reason at all to think there might be anything seriously wrong with my lungs?" He said no, so I have to believe that he knows what he's talking about (for now) :unsure: