View Full Version : scared i will just drop dead in any second

29-06-14, 10:04
i honestly waker up with that fear and feeling the min i open my eyes i try to fight all the feeling and fears all day my whole mind is consumed with nothing else that my only thought all days its been going on for weeks i cryed the whole day yesterday begging for it to stop but it dont feel lke it again today i feel so sick to the point i cant even eat i do put a little food in me but struggle cus the fear took all my feeling and senses i swear am i haveing a break down as the health anxiety of forty years finaly won me i canr fight no more i just want to wake up and it be gone crying now cus feel so bad xxxplease some one say they have been in this place

29-06-14, 11:00
What help are you getting Trish?

29-06-14, 11:12
well over forty years i ave trid evrything going not so much med as afraid of side effects as tried citilopram in feb ended up at a&E FIRST time ever in all the years of suffering so wou;d not carry on my anxiety panic attack and fear hit the roof it lasted hours i begged my son to take me i ave not been that afraid for that long in a long time sayingnthat i feel the way i felt yesterday crying all day i rember christmas time i told my son i am either ill or heading for a breakdown but i carried on fighting but now i feel i cant fight no more i am at rock bottom i am due to see phicitrist friday morninghe wants to talk meds but there lots people on here taking meds so it dont work does it or why so many stillnstruggling its like there is no cure or way out i tried cbt acupucture eft paid for hypnossis my brother paid for time line therapy it done nothing i have begged people like paul mckenna that stalios off horderin program i have begged for help so many times all i want is a life before i die i am 58 amd not lived fully without fear of dying every day since the age of 12 sorry going oni am just so sad again today xxx

29-06-14, 11:22
I too am plagued by the fear of dying everyday. I overcame agoraphobia after 7 years and another 7-8 years went by and now i have health anxiety and fear death.

29-06-14, 11:35
its like i say how can you remove this fear i ave not done it in forty years there is no pill that changes the way we think feel maybe but its the thinking thats doing the damage i am so fed up of crying and feeling sad all the time its like i kept thinking maybe tomorrow some one will have and answer or it will go i dont even have that hope any more fee like i even lost that

29-06-14, 11:56
I wouldn't say meds don't work Trish. I think they have worked for lots of people, it is just finding the one that suits you and they can make you feel worse for a few weeks but worth it in the long run. They have certainly helped me, along with psychotherapy. Of course the psychotherapy wasn't easy either and took a lot of work and effort on my part but I got there in the end. I still have some bad blips now and again but many more good days than bad.
Maybe cit just wasn't the med for you. Speak to your doctor about an alternative. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-06-14, 12:08
Yes I agree. Meds do work for an awful lot of people. Its just a case of finding what works for you. There must be millions of people out there taking meds and doing great, its just we dont hear about it as people only tend to discuss the bad things unfortunately and many others wont admit they are on meds. Anyway, hang on until friday when you see the psychiatrist. I am sure they will be able to help you in some way. Just remember to tell them how awful its been for you and take it from there x

29-06-14, 12:09
i am seeeing a phycolgist friday as he had my bloods done not sure why was told he needede to see what level my blood is so we can talk meds but how can meds stopp you thinking your about to die there is no med that can do that and that is my main fear thats held me back all these years ok it can numb your feelings wich mite help as some times its feeling some sensation in my body wen i am overwhelmed with fear all the bo9dy symptoms that make me think i am about to die so never no if its a thought i mite die or a bodily sensation send message to my brain saying your guna die wish i new wich way it goes all i no is right now i am a total mess a bag od nerves xxxx

29-06-14, 13:56
Trish ask your doctor to check your hormone levels too as I think we are ladies of a similar age and since I started taking hrt I am improving a lot.

29-06-14, 15:24
i am 59 in august i went through menaporse wen i was fifty not had periods at all since i was 51o you say i could still need them i have had my bloods done a few times over past six year thyroids and that would it have been in with any them test just had bloods done again thursday as phycitrist asked for them to be done they say its to see what level your bloods at to discuse medsxxxx

29-06-14, 15:33
I haven't had them for 2 years and have just gone on hrt. I am not saying you will need it but worth getting hormones checked just to see if it could be an imbalance.

29-06-14, 15:42
oh right suppose i could maybe it could be part of the bloods i just had done make me laugh they do your bloods but never tell you what they testing for all they say is no follow up needed you think well that helps well it would if i new what didnt need following up xxxx