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View Full Version : silly little problem

29-06-14, 11:54
im going through a small blip ay the moment..

my anxiety has been through the roof with family problems so ive been very stressed and things..

I woke up today and thought what if I go blind... I have no idea wherebit came from but now im all worried about going blind??

I mean, I dont wear glasses or contacts but I also havent had my eyes tested in a long time, cause it all kind of freaks me out,

what can I do to take my mind of this silly little worry??

29-06-14, 16:48
Im kinda like that atm. Not so much blindness but something to do with my eyes as they keep going blurry but ive put it down to being on my phone to much and the writing is small so i find it hard to focus on something else. I think if u went blind it would be gradual unless someone had an accident x