View Full Version : Heart Rate - Thought it would be a good idea to buy a Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch

Female healthanxiety
29-06-14, 15:32
Hi there,

Doesn't the weekend go way to fast!?

Thank you in advance for reading :-)

Haven't been on for about 4:5 months, even though I have browsed and replied to posts, in hope of offering support.

Have had quite a busy 4:5 months, walked out of my job, brought a car on finance last year and is now needing really expensive repairs so am off the road, thankfully found a new job 3 weeks ago and trying really hard to fit in etc. Had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago:-(.

As some of you may know about me, I am 31 female and have always had an anxiety with my heart/heart rate.

4 months ago my DR reluctantly referred me to a cardiologist, and I had a heart scan, 24hr holter machine and a treadmill test after I was experiencing very frequent ectopic heartbeats, which were making me scared to be active, even with my day to day duties. My 24hr holter only recorded 7 ectopics in the evening, the heart scan was fine, the treadmill test I could only do for 10 minutes and the cardiologist said that my heart is absolutely fine and that I need to get my fitness up (from the results of the treadmill test).

I 5ft 5 and 12stones, so only a stone and a half overweight.


I took the plunge to join weight watchers (as I have actually booked a holiday for August), I have holiday anxiety but this is another issue! I have lost 4.5lb in 2 weeks and thought 'right let's do this, get fitter, happier etc).

I find exercising quite uncomfortable, so thought I would purchase a polar heart rate monitor watch (as I have been seeing so many people with them) so seemed like a good idea!

I was excited when I got my watch and put it on and did my first walk of 3.5 miles and felt rather proud of myself. The next day did 4 miles.

But......I am now concerned about the readings on my watch! Great!!!!!

As soon as I turn the watch on (with my chest heart rate band on). My HR reads 85-95 before I have even exercised, yesterday I even got a reading of 100/103 when I put it on!!! When I walk it goes from 120-150, within 10 minutes.

I tried doing Zumba and within 15 minutes it went to 160 and displayed I was out of my zone (it has automatically set it from 123-161).

I am so upset and now have stopped walking.

I was at a friend yesterday, she is 50, 2 stone overweight and her resting heart rate was 79-84 and then when she walked for 5 minutes it went to 121........

This has added more concern for me :-((((((

I am now scared to walk........ Or do anything in fact that is active.

I even find when I sit down my HR is 85-90 at times and then as soon as I get up to go the kitchen it goes to 90-120!

I feel like I have made a complete mistake buying this and just wanna be normal like everyone else.

The day after my exercise as well I feel quite tired and need an early night!

Any replied most welcome, as I am just sitting here worried worried worried..... There must be something wrong?????

K xxxxxx

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------


Just went for a walk and as soon as I put the watch on it was reading 112, then walked for 20 minutes was between 130-150

Please reply!!!

29-06-14, 16:16
Maybe put away the watch? :) Your heart is designed to do exactly what it's doing and you're not at risk based on medical professionals. As your fitness improves so will your heart rates and overall health. It's really as simple as that. Great job on making the decision to get healthy!

Positive thoughts

29-06-14, 16:24
My heart races even if I just go to the kitchen, go for a short walk and go upstairs. I am about 1lb from being overweight and I think it is just a fitness thing. I gained 12lb very recently and before this I didn't get as out of breath as I do now so I also put that down to my weight and fitness.
I have heart anxiety too and although its an awful way to feel I am glad somebody is similar, my lowest RHR (calculated by checking my neck) has been 72 and that was after lying in bed for a while, its quite often in the 90's, I've just checked there it is 100 and I am just sitting on the laptop!!
I haven't actually had any tests though (other than an ECG 15 months ago) so I still worry but it makes sense really especially if you aren't very active like me :-)

Female healthanxiety
29-06-14, 16:27
Hello Fishmanpa,

how are you? and how is your daughter getting on?

I got in about 45 minutes ago, still left my heart rate watch on and am looking at it now - and it is 95 beats per minute?":weep:

I just don't know what to do -- after I finish walking I feel so uncomfortable with my heart calming down - almost like a choking feeling if that makes sense?! Does anyone else ever get this?

It takes ages for my HR to come down.....................:winks:

Sitting here not enjoying my Sunday -- ironic I actually want something from the kitchen, but fear how much my blimming hear rate will go up!

I have to do a lot of walking tomorrow to and from work and fear how I am going to feel - can't wait to get my wheels fixed...

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

Hi Kee Kee,

It is horrible isn't it??? - do you smoke?

what form of exercise do you do? if any? x

Yes your right - am not very active but would like to be able to walk a couple of miles without it feeling so uncomfortable - I find I am OK when I am aactually walking its is the aftermath (if that makes sense!?)


29-06-14, 16:33
Hi Female Healthanxiety, I don't smoke and I don't exercise (I'm a disgrace hehe).
Yes it does make sense, I am ok walking if I can't feel my heart pounding.It really scares me even though I know I'm in the worst shape I've ever been in.

29-06-14, 16:50
Hello Fishmanpa,

how are you? and how is your daughter getting on?

I got in about 45 minutes ago, still left my heart rate watch on and am looking at it now - and it is 95 beats per minute?":weep:

I just don't know what to do -- after I finish walking I feel so uncomfortable with my heart calming down - almost like a choking feeling if that makes sense?! Does anyone else ever get this?

It takes ages for my HR to come down.....................:winks:

Sitting here not enjoying my Sunday -- ironic I actually want something from the kitchen, but fear how much my blimming hear rate will go up!

I have to do a lot of walking tomorrow to and from work and fear how I am going to feel - can't wait to get my wheels fixed...[COLOR="blue"]

Thanks for asking FH...

I'm doing Ok... some days better than others but overall I can't complain (I can but ehh... it won't help anything ;) )

My daughter is doing much better. She's in therapy and they're working on finding an SSRI that works without too many side effects. We're heading up to visit family in two weeks and I'll be taking her for her first tattoo (for her 21st birthday).

You're having anxiety because you're so focused on your HR. It's your hot button. Try distraction or something to take your mind off of it and ditch the HR watch, it's not helping :)

Positive thoughts

Female healthanxiety
30-06-14, 14:11
Hello Kee Kee,
No - you sound very healthy indeed! and you do not sound like you are overweight which is great! Fitness feels uncomfortable when your unfit!

Hello Fishmanpa - am glad to hear your doing OK, and am glad your still around on NMP supporting! Am glad your daughter is getting there :-) and I hope you have a FAB time!! TATTOO - OMG! She is brave - I have always wanted one but too scared!!

I felt OK come late afternoon yesterday.

Today, had to walk 15 minutes to the bus stop and wait for a bus (that was 30 mins late) which made me late at my new job; so my week has not started off great - I hate being late and this just made me feel worse....

Today, got to work and half an hour ago had a egg salad - and then went for a fag and felt realllllllllllly dizzy -- my eyes went dizzy and my head - I felt like I was going to faint :-(

what on earth is wrong with me man!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

30-06-14, 15:27
I can relate to your heart worries. I went through a brief worry spell with my heart too - for good reason - heart problems run strongly in my family.

I too was obsessed with taking my heart rate all the time - it was often in the 90s when resting! But I think it was anxiety making it a bit high...I am fit and have a healthy lifestyle.

The weird thing is I was more worried about my bowels than my heart, but my doc sent me for all the heart tests because of my family history!

Everything was totally normal and fine. What's interesting is nowadays when I take my hear rate it's a lot lower than it used to be, and I think it's because I barely think about it now!

My advice is the same as Fishmanpa's - get rid of the device and try not to think about it. Believe me they can tell a LOT from all the tests you've had! My dad only had to get an ECG for them to know he had cardiomyopathy, in his 30s.

Concentrate on getting fit - this is the best thing possible you can do for your heart!

Female healthanxiety
30-06-14, 21:04
OMG feel like crying........

My heart has been all over the place today! My throat all day has felt all blocked up and I've felt dizzy and also got really panicky on a bus so had to get off and order a cab......

I feel like my heart is constantly beating at a high rate and also my throat feels bunged up (like that feeling you get before your going to be sick and is closing up) had this all day...

As a positive person I thought right go for a massage after work (haven't had one in years because is the expense) so had it at 7pm tonight which was lovely but as soon as I got up it all came back again.....

I had an egg salad with tuna for lunch which was massive and thought maybe my headyness was me needing food so I stupidly ate a quarter of a pasty. Didmt feel much better.

I feel so on edge it's unreal.... :-(

Started a new job and if I feel like this tomorrow there's no point going in.

It seems like whenever I try my best to get my life in some order this shi##y anxiety comes back........ I do feel unwell though, hot, feel like I could drop if someone pushed me, in a daze and my throat feels like it's gonna close up, my mouth has this constant dryness even if I drink.

I'm just running a bath now with the hope it will make me feel at least 1% better then I do now.........

Sorry to rant I'm just so worried and feel like poop xxx