View Full Version : Ear Problem causing great anxiety

loopy loo
29-06-14, 14:38
Hi All,

I had a cold at Christmas and 3 weeks after I had some dizzy spells. From then on I had a feeling of inbalance....sort of uncoordinated when trying to walk or do anything for about 2 months gradually getting better, but still not completely gone. My left ear feels full and doesn't pop like the right one. I have had an MRI which was fine, as were my hearing tests and fluid in the ear test (surprisingly!) Now I have developed tinnitus in the left ear, driving me nuts! Does anyone know why I might have developed tinnitus so much later after the ear problem? The ENT tells me it will go away, but Im not convinced after 5 weeks of it permanently whistling loudly.
I have had so many panic attacks with this as dizziness is my biggest fear, and the tinnitus is horrible. Please help if you have any sort of knowledge about this. Thank you :yahoo:

29-06-14, 15:45
Hi; Dizzy spells are normal for anxiety. as it improves so should your dizzyness.

Or it could be a side effect of medication if your taking any, i get ringing in the ears and dizzy spells from time to time, and i usually just try to take a nap if possible, usually goes away.

But i'm not really sure if having a cold could of made it worse, with a sinus infection or something.

29-06-14, 16:05
colds and sinus infections can cause blockages of mucus in the euchastian tubes which connect the ears to the throat, this could cause fluid in the inner ear which causes balance issues, ringing ears etc.

If this is the cause of your problem it should clear up with time on its own.

loopy loo
29-06-14, 21:07
Thank you. My tinnitus is constant though, and the balance issues 24/7. This can't be anxiety can it?