View Full Version : I am panicking

29-06-14, 15:23
I taking my daughter for her high school visit tomorrow and I am panicking I don't know where the bus goes or where I get off. I know what number I need to
Get and where I get on and the time but what if I go past the stop

29-06-14, 16:21
Simply ask the bus driver to let you know when you need to get off

29-06-14, 16:27
Thanks nic

29-06-14, 16:51
Yes, ask the driver and sit near the front, so he knows where you are, tell him you are nervous of missing your stop.

29-06-14, 16:52
Aww spuder im the same when I dont no were im going ,just ask like nicola said sending you positive thoughts and hugs :hugs: and hope your daughter likes it too xx

30-06-14, 01:44
Not sure where you live, but most buses where I am now have big displays on board that show you the next stop and also a voice that calls out the stop name before you get to it :)

If I'm on a bus and don't know the route, I quite often enter the stop location on the map on my iPhone and then follow the route on-screen as the bus is driving... That way I can see exactly where I am and when I need to get off :)

Barring all that, as everyone else said, just be good and old fashioned and ask the driver :D

Hope you get on ok :)

30-06-14, 08:00
Thanks all no we don't have them type of buses. Thing is I live in crewe and is moving to shrewsbury in 3 weeks and today my daughter has a visit to her new school I don't catch the buses here in shrewsbury as hubby drives us everywhere I don't drive wish I could. I hate mornings as it is without feeling panicky

30-06-14, 08:28
You'll be fine hun
Sending you a hug :hugs:

30-06-14, 08:42
Good luck spuder, you will do this. Ley us know how you get on x

30-06-14, 09:10
Thought I'd let u all know how I got on. The bus driver told me to wait another 10 mind as he don't go near the school a lady overheard us and said I go to he school I am a teaching assistant so we got off where she got off and had a short walk saw the teacher who is looking after my daughter she paired my daughter up with a little girl who was in the same boat no freinds so I caught the bus home now enjoying a cup of lemon tea and sum crossiants

30-06-14, 11:24
Glad it all went well, your guardian angel certainly looked after you.

PS any croissants left? x

30-06-14, 11:35
Congratulations and well done for getting there. Be proud of yourself! X

30-06-14, 11:43
Thanks sunshine and bitter net sorry all gone. Yes I am proud of my self I did it and now I can do it in step too when she starts the school fully. Am so excited to hear how she got on at 2.30 today when we r picking her up

30-06-14, 15:32
Well done! Glad you got there ok and that your daughter was fine :) :yesyes:

30-06-14, 16:38
Thanks anxietydj yeah all went very well