View Full Version : Need help

29-06-14, 22:17
I'm basically at the end of how far I can cope. If you read my past post you will understand and I'm not in the right place at the moment to reexplaim.my anxiety has again completely taken over my life. I have peorids were my anxiety is managable and peorids were I can't cope. Panic attacks and terrifying thoughts all the time. I lay in bed crying as the thoughts are so scary and incontrollable. Checking my body every few seconds thinking everything's falling apart. I have been in therapy and cbt for such a long time and am on medication but I can't cope like this. I don't care if it's ocd or not I just can't manage like this for much longer. Any advise?

Daisy Sue
30-06-14, 00:36
Have you been advised as to how to relax or do meditation, or bring yourself out of a panic attack? I'd say that's the first thing to learn to do... and then when you're feeling reasonably calm, test your body. Do something you used to do, before this started, like walking to the shop & back, or running upstairs, or doing the vacuuming... if you achieve little things like this, you'll soon realise that you're not bodily ill, it's just the anxiety trying to make you believe you are.

I know it doesn't sound much, but honestly the more you can counteract the negative worrying thoughts by proof, the easier it becomes to accept it's 'just' anxiety, and then you can concentrate on getting over that, rather than having that AND the constant fear to battle at the same time.