View Full Version : Celexa 10 to 20 mg

30-06-14, 00:05
This is my 2nd night taking 20 mg. it knocked me out and I got some great sleep but during the day I was very dizzy and funny feeling and every time I would lay down my head would be spinning. Is this normal with an increase ?

30-06-14, 03:12
Hi Eve. I can only speak from my own experience. i upped my Cit dosage from 10 to 20mg nine days ago and had the same side effects that you described. In my case, they weren't too bad and mostly went away after a few days. The higher dosage has really made a difference for me. My anxiety has gone way down and I am in a much more positive frame of mind. There's still a long ways to travel yet as I have suffered for years and it's not going to magically go away overnight, but the meds are DEFINITELY helping! My advice would be to stick with it for at least a week and see where you are. Remember, any time you up the dosage, side effects return but are generally less severe and their duration is shorter. I wish you luck on your road to recovery. You WILL get there, you just gotta have faith. In meds. In therapy. And most of all in yourself. Namaste!:yesyes:

30-06-14, 06:05
Hi ladies! Eve I hope your daytime side effects pass quickly, and yes they sound very normal this soon After an increase. Normal to have increased anxiety too, during early days. Good wisdom offered there, Winjammer! Hang in there now. Won't be long!!:hugs:
Marie xx

30-06-14, 09:30
Hi Eve/ Marie,

Good to hear from you guys:hugs:.

Very pertinenet that you mention going from 10 to 20mg Eva, as i have being thinking about recently. With 10mg i can now get ot sleep at night pretty easy (with my meditation music) -still wake during night sometimes but get back to sleep. however have little or no motivation and can be very short with kids. On train this morning into work the weather is beautiful and all i want to do is go back to bed so i can sleep thro the day. need to watch my diet also as the crappy carbs have been creeping in again. Had a 12" pizza last night at 9.30 PM. over cooked it so had texture of a garbage lid - still crunched my way thro it:blush:. I'm probably suffering a sugar hangover today. Also i take my cit at 10.30 and every day at 3-4pm i get the tired wired feeling not good( want to sleep but mind wants to scream.

anyhoo, I think your post has made me think about my dose again. Do i go up or just quit the meds?

really good to hear from you,


30-06-14, 16:54
Thank everyone for the replays. It always makes me feel better to get feed back, I was doing ok but still have bad days and still feel a bit detached from myself, stool having muscle tension most in my upper back and left shoulder but I can control it better then I use to. Now if I go into a panic I have more control and that's great.

Paul :hugs: just hang in there it will all work out. Send me a pm so we can chat! I would get a increase but what ever would make you feel better ....

01-07-14, 01:33
I really like those two words, control, and better, hunni!! That's how I felt when I was getting used to my last increase: I was still getting muscle tonus (constant state of muscle tension, ugh!), but, I could control it with the slow timed breathing technique. Very helpful, made it so much easier to cope! As for that tired wired feeling, Paul, I can so relate! I hated that so much with the ven. Felt like my brain was on full alert, like I should really be doing something, but my legs and arms felt weak and it was an effort to get up and do stuff. Had to keep taking breaks. Very frustrating. I am still not able to actually follow through too well on what needs doing, but I'm better than I was ... I'm with Eve, Paul, I think it makes sense to try an increase at least once before throwing in the towel on this one, if only because you seem able to tolerate it pretty well. Of course we're all different, I just found out my sister is on 40 mg of Celexa (doubled this past winter from 20 mg), and she says she has not experienced one single side effect!
Which other meds and dosages have you tried?
Marie :hugs: Hugs all round, guys!

01-07-14, 10:43
Hi Marie regarding other meds:

Sept 2011 Citalopram 20mg 3.5wks, 30mg 3wks, 40mg 1or 2 wks, 30mg 1 wk, 20mg1 or 2 wks.
Nov 2011 Sertraline 25mg 1 wk, 50 mg upto 100mg:scared15: absolute hades)
Jan 6th 2012 15mg mirtazapine head slowed down first night also had 6mg of diaz that day. helped alergys tho. 30mg mirt not good angry man, inhuman appetite, retail therapy freak.
30th Mar 37.5mg venla felt quite tired and chilled and relaxed fisrt day. Day 3 ended up at A&E as i thought the dogs of hell had come for me. Spent 9 months on this all the way upto 225mg and back whilst being on 20 -25 mg of valium a day.
Dec 2012 started seeing a private shrink(£200/ hr - :wacko:oof!!) Jan 2013 changed to clomipramine managed upto 40mg
June 2013 Escitalopram made some progress was able to concentrate. however was taking at night and used to get head shakes when trying to go to sleep. was on liquid dose upto 10mg. Stuck that until jan2014 put on Zyban was able to concentrate in morninga at work but felt horrible rest of day as if i was being manically being dragged along.
Fianlly back to square 1 on citalopram on a very low dose eg 2.5mg 5mg and now 10mg for last 7 weeks. TBH my anxiety is a lot less just still no motivation concentration or energy apart fom 2 or thre days over th last 11 weeks.

hoping to hear back from my shrink today to see what she says.

take care folks:bighug1:


02-07-14, 20:28
Good luck, Paul! :bighug1:
Please let us know what she says! (Too bad about the zyban, if only because it is, like venlaxafine, a different class from the usual SSRIs, which seem to be really not your class of drug! Dogs of hell even on ven really seems to indicate that serotonin reuptake inhibitors are cautionary for you altogether! :(
Lots of other types though that you haven't tried. Some are older and may be more debilitating with startup side effects, and come with dietary restrictions as you may know, but new ones are being approved as we speak. Hang in there, you'll find the right one/combo!
Marie xx

02-07-14, 21:32
Thanks for your support Marie really appreciated right now:bighug1: