View Full Version : Panic attack just out of the blue

30-06-14, 03:37
Hi im new to this site. Just wondering does anyone else have my symptoms. Im out side gardening feeling fine walked over to the shed and Bammm felt faint and realy woozy, my back gor this hot feeling rush through it, heart racing really fast, feeling sick, jelly legs, also I feel im cant talk properly so I went in side and checked my BP and it was 178/105 and pulse 110. Tried to just let it pass but I just couldn't and eneded up taking a Kalma. This is so frustrating because I was busy and Boom it strikes like lightning. Now im feeling exhausted. Please any reassurance from anyone would be great:weep:

30-06-14, 04:15
Hi Jodstar,

What you describe is a very common anxiety experience. It may have been made worse by something physical i.e. did you stand up suddenly when gardening? Sometimes I do that and feel slightly dizzy, as everyone would, but my anxiety makes it worse because I focus on it.

The exhaustion is common because you've used a lot of mental and physical resources in the last few minutes.

Try to do something to distract yourself and you will feel much better soon. You're not alone :hugs:

30-06-14, 11:43
i was lay in my bed just stiring nfrom my sleep and bam i felt panicky anxiouse i was not even out of bed i tried to lay and ride it out went to loo got a drink water then tried to go back to sleep but couldnt hate gettin up early as all i do all day is fight my panic and anxiety my fear is death so how do you get past that fear xxx