View Full Version : neck!!!

30-06-14, 08:15
At the moment my neck is triggering anxiety of for me! .. basically a few months ago i went through a stage of poking and proding my neck as i have a few swollen nodes which led to aches and pains from prodding i am told.
Anyway this all subsided and like usual i concentrated on something else.
However this past week my mate has been the doctors complaining of a painful neck also, after explaining what happened to me all of a sudden my neck pain is back again! .. it was here and there at first then i started prodding my neck and now the front right side of my neck is tight an achey! Ofcourse in return making me poke and prod to see if theres anything there more sinister.
Has anyone experienced this before? Is it just muscle that is in the front to the side or could it be something else?

30-06-14, 11:20
I recently had neck and shoulder pain, causing me to go dizzy when turning my head, this made me panic big time as I thought the dizziness may make me pass,out whilst outside. My GP said it was muscular and referred me to a physio for a free 6 course session, he was hunky and brilliant. Massaged my neck and shoulders, I had to put hot water bottle o. The area three times a day for no more than 20 minutes, then a few weeks later had to put frozen peas (wrapped in atowel) for the same length of time.

Then exercises to strengthen the muscles etc.

Finished the treatment but now back to hot water bottle and exercise. Sat here now with the hot water bottle.

Maybe worth you visiting the GP yourself to see what he recommends.

Hope I have not rambled on too long.

Good luck.

30-06-14, 16:23
i also have neck pain

i thought it was advanced cancer and had weeks to live - i now realise it was anxiety and stress