View Full Version : new job and it's back :(

30-06-14, 09:58
Absolutely gutted, I been feeling really good the last few weeks. I even managed to go and get a new job, which I've been really excited about. I did a little bit of training last week and as the week went on I started to feel a bit "off" but nothing I couldn't handle.
However I've woken up this morning feeling awful! Having really bad depersonalisation, which is the symptom I struggle with the most :( supposed to be at work later for my first propper shift and it's a sleepover, really don't know what to do, dreading it now.

30-06-14, 15:40
Would you consider mentioning it to your new employer? I know with any new position you want to make a great first impression and hide away any things you consider negative, but in my experiences, honesty is always the best policy and that most people are really understanding.

Hope it works out ok, and sorry to hear you are feeling poorly :hugs:

30-06-14, 22:05
Thanks... Think I'm gonna have a wee word tomorrow and see if I can change my hours, think it's the sleepovers that have got me in a pickle, like sleeping in my own wee bed, esp if I'm not feeling great.

30-06-14, 22:19
There's something about your own bed that makes you feel more safe and comfortable! I'm the same, I'd rather drive an hour home in the dark to get to my own bed than sleep somewhere else!

30-06-14, 22:29
I think having a chat and explaining to your new boss will help you a lot, a new job is a big change so don't be too hard on yourself, it's natural to be a bit nervous which to an anxiety sufferer can escalate. Feel better soon.

30-06-14, 23:31
Thanks guys x

01-07-14, 01:11
No place like your own bed :yes yes: I'm the same Kimberley - although for me, rather than going to sleep in my own bed (which I do still prefer), it's the waking up part that I like to do in my own place :)

Good luck Abi - hope it goes well... Let us know!

01-07-14, 11:29
I'm the same actually, I like waking up in my own bed :)

Was a bit of a rubbish first shift, the guy I care for was a bit tired and upset, so my anxiety went through the roof BUT I made it :D have been able to change my hours to one sleepover a week which will start the week after next, which I feel a lot better about, and today I get to have a snuggley chill day with my pup


01-07-14, 12:27
Awesome! Well done Abi :yahoo: That's great news... Hopefully you've got your foot on the first rung of the ladder now and continue climbing steadily :)

Hope you're having a good day! What type of dog do you have?

01-07-14, 13:20
Thanks :)

I've got a little black and tan miniature jack russell called Poppy, she's my tiny little BFF, gives me lots of snuggles when I'm feeling a bit yuck :)

01-07-14, 13:46
Thanks :)

I've got a little black and tan miniature jack russell called Poppy, she's my tiny little BFF, gives me lots of snuggles when I'm feeling a bit yuck :)

Aww cute :) I love dogs! Do you have any other pets?