View Full Version : Low white blood cell count

30-06-14, 12:45
I had a blood test in March that showed them at 3.92 and one a few weeks ago that was at 3.91. I'm worried about this as I bruise a lot. Does anyone else have this? Scared of bone marrow cancer but only 21.

30-06-14, 12:51
Just an FYI... your WBC are normal.

White blood cell count 3.5-10.5 billion cells/L

Positive thoughts

Orange Lightning
30-06-14, 13:15
No need to worry, my white blood cell count is a lower than average, and it runs in the family. It simply means my GP will give me blood tests more often as a precaution; I'm not really anymore prone to problems than anyone else apparently. :)

30-06-14, 17:36
Yeah id say normal to! Take care xx

30-06-14, 18:41
From what my gp said tonight - that's normal :) x

Panic emily
30-06-14, 19:23
That's mine and my doctor says I'm as healthy as they come other then a sinus infection or two! I asked to see a oncologist and she laughed rolled her eyes and said not a chance there's nothing that shows you need to. So I'm going to assume you are A okay with your count!

03-07-14, 10:53
I'm still worried about these past two blood tests. When I Google what low WBC count could be it says bone marrow cancer. Is that the same as leukaemia?
When I had a blood test last summer my WBC were 5. something. Now they have been 3.92 and 3.91. I'm worried because it says it can be genetic, but mine clearly isn't because it was once within normal realms. The doctor said all my groups of white blood cells were in normal range, it's just when added together they're slightly under.
I now fear I'm experiencing bone pain which I'm paranoid is worse at night.

03-07-14, 11:04
Stop googling, I promise you that is what is giving you bone pain wbc can be down for lots of different reasons and cancer is one of the rarest of the rare you have to make a decision when it comes to this mental issue we all have on here, do you want to listen to google ? The same place that tells you celebrities have died when they haven't and that the world will end tomorrow or do you listen to a highly qualified medical professional who sees serious illnesses and problems every day? I know its easy to say that but if you think about what the worst case scenario is, in this day and age you'd get treatment have a rough couple of months and be back to normal.

I read somewhere that someone who had the dreaded 'c' word said this
"I dont see cancer as the death sentence everyone makes it out to be I see it as a part of life everyone will probably have to deal with at some point"

Sorry for the long post I hope you feel better