View Full Version : someone please help!!!!!

30-06-14, 18:54
I am an emotional wreck right now, i cant stop crying ive got to go for a fasting blood test toorrow for diabetes iron and thyroid, i found glucose in my urine and to top it off i had to go back the Drs today due to bad back, Dr did a dip test and ive got an infection. Im so scared i know im prob diabetic and it terriefies all the things that can happen and go wrong, im a single mum to a 16 year old daughter whos already lost her Dad to cancer. please anyone whos been diagnosed or going through it please help!!!!

30-06-14, 18:59
Hi, sorry for your worrying. My mum, sister both have diabetes, my inlaws (mum, sister and nephew) have diabetes aswell. I have regular testing as I have had symptoms and once had glucose in my urine. my blood tests came back fine last week. If you did have diabetes, it can be controlled and its certainly isn't the end of the road. (( Hugs )) xx

Panic emily
30-06-14, 19:19
So sorry you are going through this :( I know how difficult it is when your going through tests like these (I am going through biospsy for cervical cancer and what not) but I must say worrying at this point will do Nothing but cause more harm then good it is out of your control at this point and is just a waiting game. Like above said for diabetics it is not the end of the world. Many of my family members and friends have this. And are perfectly healthy and normal and my grandmother is 81 and has had it since she was a youth! Please don't worry!!!

02-07-14, 18:05
Thank you so much just waiting results now xxx

Female healthanxiety
02-07-14, 18:08
Am so sorry to hear your feeling anxious and upset.

It sounds very much to me like you just have an infection......either way when you get your tests results you will feel less stressed and relieved that you know.

Worse scenario if you are diabetic it's so easily controlled and so many people have this now.

Try and not worry to much xxx