View Full Version : lymphoma questions PLEASE respond.

30-06-14, 20:28
Ok I now know I need to see a therapist for my anxiety issues because I have been here for 3 diffrent issues....but this issue is an old one that for some reason is bothering me and I would REALLY appreciate any help...

for the past... say 6 or 7 years the lymph nodes in my armpit have been swelling and going away. Now the detailes... when they swell its no more than a minor swelling but it does get painfull wich is the only reason I notice them. It happens on both armpits at random times. Sometimes I notice it when I shave or trim my armpits sometimes I just feel pain and know its there with no cause that I notice. But the pain always goes away and so does the bump and its never been larger than bean except 1 of the first times.

Throughout these 6 years i have had numerous bloodworks chest xray mri of head...and no dr. Has ever said anything about them... but they keep coming. I have a sweating problem on my underarms wich idk if its related but like I said the lymphnodes come and go as they please throught the year. Sometimes I go 4 or 5 months with nothing sometimes they pop up and go away 3 times in 1 month.

im just frustrated and I want to know if anyone thinks this could be a cancer of any kind....PLEASE ANY REPLY WOULD BE APPRECIATED. I have heard that camcer usually doesnt go away and come back can anyone shed light on the syptmoms
thank you

30-06-14, 20:34
Is a doctor worried at all when you have told them this?

30-06-14, 20:35
Well I don't know if this will help give you any reassurance but over the last year or so I've been having the sensation of a lymph node swelling under one arm and it's always the same one. I can't ever really feel anything just the sensation that something is swollen and that really sore tender feeling you get with swollen glands.

I noticed this always coincided with me shaving usually about a week after shaving it would occur, last a day or two and disappear. Last month I also had it before my period but again couldn't feel anything. Anyway got myself in a state went off to the doctor who examined me and said that she couldn't feel a single lymph node under my arm even pushing in really deeply.

According to her it is just irritation due to fluid build up before my period or irritation through shaving. She said it was nothing to be concerned about.

I think the fact you have had clear bloods, it goes away and is painful are all signs of inflammation/irritation rather than anything sinister.

Hope that helps.

30-06-14, 20:43
I mean I have never been to the dr. When they swell except once because this one was bye my groin... but the groin one only swelled 1 time in my life so I went and he said nothing to be worried about even after I told him about my armpits...

I mean I am just co cerned about the .0001% chNce it could be something but like you said the come and go part and the painful part usually indidcate that its not the C word

30-06-14, 20:56
You do realise that based on those % odds you are considerably more likely to be run over next time you are crossing the road?

The reality is that no one on here will be able to reassure you as they aren't doctors. However a doctor could very quickly, and then if you don't believe the doctor then you need to address the route cause of that, which almost invariably is an anxiety disorder.

30-06-14, 21:05
im no specialist but im sure that 6 years of this there would be some signs you had something by now, take heart in that, the drs have not picked anything up, and if you read the thread above this one the young lady says that her dr told her that it can be seen in bloodwork in some form, so id say you are probably...like alot of us including me worrying over something which isnt there....im in same boat...i know how hard it is...but take the positives and youll find they fat outweigh the negatives....

30-06-14, 21:21
I have the same exact symptoms as you. They come and go and are painful. They especially hurt after shaving. Just had blood work done and everything came back normal so I'm not sure what's going on either but just thought I'd let ya know you're not alone!

30-06-14, 21:39
i have read up on this and i stopped because there are many diseases out there too many to read up on. Its not just lymphoma or cancer there are lots of other diseases. So how are you going to worry about all of these diseases? even with lymphoma there are many types and stages. None of this worry or anxiety will change whether you do or dont have lymphoma will it?