View Full Version : small update

30-06-14, 21:14
i recently posted here about some symptoms i was experiencing and my worry that i had pancreatic cancer....it was bowel last year but we all know the drill with HA

well ive had my full bloods back today and everything was normal...i now have an ultrasound on friday to check things out, if alls well with that ive decided its time to bite the bullet and go se my GP about my anxiety.

ive decided id like to try some sort of counseling first...and hopefully i can learn to control it, im hoping meds are a last resort.

ill keep you posted

30-06-14, 21:51
Glad to hear it's not what you thought it was! Counselling will help, I'd also recommend taking a break from the internet for a while - particularly when it comes to searching symptoms.

02-07-14, 19:48
yes im making a big effort to quit the symptom searches