View Full Version : Achey chest neck arms and back

30-06-14, 21:54
Helloo people of the internet,
So I have just signed up after finding this site while trying to find something online with any info that would not tell me I was going to die and send me to my gp wailing once again

I work as a baker up at 4am lots of lifting heavy stuff, pushing heavy leavers for mixers (also im a 23yr old female so this is quite a task) Im just wondering if any body else works in this sort of feild and has experienced the constant ache in the side of the neck shoulder and upper back chest and ribs i also get sharp pains and aches through the insides of my arms and my fingers sometimes.

I know i know im a baker i work solely stood up with my upper body in movement constantly but if their is anybody out there who can relate help me to not jump to the conclusion every 10 minutes its a heart attack/lung cancer/im generally just going to fall apart it would be very usefull

Lots of love xxx

30-06-14, 22:09
Sounds a lot like RSI

Catherine S
01-07-14, 00:16
Repetitive Strain Injury? Yes could be. It doesn't sound like anything sinister. At 23yrs old I doubt it is heart related...it sounds more like muscular or nerve problems to be honest.


01-07-14, 00:22
Repetitive Strain Injury? Yes could be. It doesn't sound like anything sinister. At 23yrs old I doubt it is heart related...it sounds more like muscular or nerve problems to be honest.


Is it burning/dull pain?