View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like this??

01-07-14, 02:06
Hi there!
I was wondering if anyone has the same issues as me, I'll try to explain this but it's difficult to put these things into words, am I right?

One problem I'm having at the moment is to do with words/ how they sound. I've always been like that but recently it's been a lot worse, which might be because I'm under a lot of pressure at work. Basically how it is, is someone might say something, it can be anything, and sometimes how they say it or how it sounds can give me a feeling of dread and panic.
The other thing I'm getting a lot is pangs of fear when I've left the house, thinking that I've left my straighters on and the house is going to burn down...even when I haven't used them.
The last one is that I have to check my pets quite often (rabbit and tortoise) to see if they are ok. Like I'll hear the rabbit rattling about (he lives in the house) and I get worried he's stuck somewhere in his cage or something.
The words one is what's bothering me most, I've been like it all my life but only recently it's really started bothering me.
I used to be agoraphobic/social phobic for 2 years and I'm not sure if that would tie in somehow? If it helps at all I'm 19 and work about 40 hours a week and a shift runner at KFC and I hate it.

Sorry for such a long post it's just difficult to explain and I'm really hoping someone can help!
(Sorry if I've made any mistakes I'm new to forum posting)
Thanks in advance!!

01-07-14, 02:29
Hey there, sorry to hear that you're going through it at the moment, but welcome to the forum... There are tons of great people here. I've only been a member for a short time, but it has helped me a lot already :)

With regards to when people say things that affect you, could you give an example (if that's possible)? Do you mean as in their attitude - i.e. if they are saying something in a sarcastic manner, or is it just the way words or phrases are pronounced? Sorry if I am confusing things, but I just wanted to get a better idea of what you were going through.

Hang in there - we're all in this together and there are always people that want to listen and help :)

01-07-14, 16:00
It sounds like mild OCD, especially with the checking things. It's part of anxiety and can be treated in the same way :) I get words that's bother me as well and get stuck on my head going around and around and its not nice. But it's not dangerous either. Distract yourself, welcome the feelings rather than be afraid of them.next time you hear a word, think: okay bring it on! Do your worst I can take it! Helps me everytime. Don't worry, lots and lots and lots of people have these same symptoms and it's nothing dangerous. You'll be okay :)

02-07-14, 23:07

I have animals too and I constantly panic and worry about them at the moment, stuff like checking the water bottles every hour in case they have emptied and convincing myself that they have escaped their cages and run around the house getting hurt when I'm at work.

It's horrible the way these things manifest, I've only just joined but so far everyone seems really supportive though.