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01-07-14, 10:21
Hi guys,

Just need a little support from fellow anxiety sufferers. My mum's in her 50's and has high blood pressure which has sent my anxiety (and hers) through the roof. Im keeping a brave face but she looks so down and worried that something will happen to her or she'll have to go on blood pressure meds for the rest of her life. Ive looked up some things about high blood pressure (a legitimate source as googling random stuff makes me panic) just to be aware and help her. Can anyone give me some advice on how to help her with her worry? As far as im aware this is stress/ lifestyle related but due to her job and our current family situation its not always possible for her to de-stress.

Thanks for your support guys.

01-07-14, 10:34
Has she seen a doctor at all about this?

There is nothing wrong with being on blood pressure medication for the rest of her life either.

Lifestyle issues can help - alcohol, smoking, obesity, diet (e.g. too much salt) inactivity all lead to higher blood pressure

Catherine S
01-07-14, 11:35
Lovely that you want to help your mum emma, and what Nicola says is correct, and to add that women in their 50s are prone to raised bp because of the drop in oestrogen at this time. Blood pressure naturally increases with age too, so it depends on what the numbers are, do you know? Some people think its high when it isn't really...was it the doctor who told her or has she got a home monitor? Different doctors seem to have different base line numbers for blood pressure ive found when changing doctors with house moves over the years.


01-07-14, 11:59
Hi guys,

This is all from the doctor but she has a few other problems like arthritis and stuff which makes her worry even more. I definately think its stress and lifestyle, she quit smoking about 15/20 years ago and doesnt drink much alcohol at all. Because shes such a big part of our family, she worries about dying and leaving us and we worry because we need and love her so much! I just want to know if theres anything i can do to help/ reassure her because its really affecting her day and she looks upset :(

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

Also, she, like myself and a few members of her family are not fans of medication because were prone to be allergic. :?

Catherine S
01-07-14, 12:08
If she has recently been told then she's bound to feel scared...my bp shot up a few years ago and scared the life out of me...felt like i was under a cloud of doom all the time. But the fear of all the things you think will happen has more or less left me now as time's gone on. Its not an automatic death sentence, the meds for it are pretty successful in lowering it and its only if left untreated for MANY years that it MIGHT lead to problems. Tell your mum not to worry too much...not easy I know. Give her my readings for today too, I take it twice a week on home monitor and today its 138 over 85 which is quite good, but was as high as 170 over 110 when first diagnosed, but for some people it can be higher when taken in the surgery than it is at home. Do you have her readings Emma?


Female healthanxiety
01-07-14, 12:10
Oh Emma,

my thoughts are with you.........

I posted exactly the same a while back!


I feel the same, my mum is my world and really is all I have bar my little sister - I hate when my mum is ill, but now I have got used to her being on the BP tablets - she even went to the DRs last week and her BP is the lowest its ever been! Just think the pills she will be given are MIRACLE PILLS.................so really now your mum is OUT OF danger as such with the BP as she has tablets to control it - I started thinking of it like that........


01-07-14, 12:28
ISB- I dont know her readings because she wont tell me, but i just think shes scared. Shes with an amazing doctor who has told her not to worry and i think shes having a day monitor put on and has a follow up at some point. Ive just been catastrophizing everything (thinking the worst about what could happen) but im countering that with my CBT.

Female healthanxiety- Just read the post you linked. My mum is my absolute world and im so sad that she's so worried. And shes always in pain so.... i dunno what to do to help her and ease her worry. Im always protective of her but i know as a mum and a businesswoman she must have a lot of stress.

Female healthanxiety
01-07-14, 12:51
I completely understand hun xx

How about some form of meditation? if your mum has an Iphone, I downloaded an amazing AP called 'CALM' which is guided meditation, really cool AP.

Alternatively you could book her in a yoga or meditation class - it is known to lower blood pressure and leave a feeling of calmness.........

05-07-14, 15:47
Just an update on whats happening, Mums got a 24 hour monitor on and since seeing it both of our anxiety has gone up again (which is deffo not good for her). Do they only put high risk people on 24 hour monitors? I went and had a look at the NHS website for hypertension and some people have commented that their mothers have died from hypertension and strokes in their 50's..... well im crapping myself now.

Just need a bit of a hug right now, im so worried for her and fearing the worst i.e ill be visiting her grave :'(

05-07-14, 16:08
Hi Emma, sorry to hear about you and your mum... I can only comment on my experiences and that is to say that I've grown up with my Dad (and other family members) having high and then low blood pressure, as well as a multitude of other health issues, and can say that if treated correctly blood pressure really isn't a major worry these days - that's not to say that everything will always be hunky dory all of the time, for every single person, but it is definitely not something you should be making yourself ill with worry, over.

Also, the 24 hour monitoring will only be to get a fuller picture of your mum's blood pressure - a lot of people suffer from 'white coat syndrome' - i.e. their blood pressure is normal all day, but as soon as they get to the doctor's office, it goes way up, which paints a false picture. By keeping track of it overall, they'll be able to see what it is like at all points of the day and then medicate / treat her accordingly - it's nothing to worry about; if anything it's a positive step to your mum getting the best help :)

Take care of yourself and try not to worry so much - i know that is easier said than done, but by the sounds of it, everything is on the correct track to help your mum out.

ps. well done for being there for her - lots of children are not like that at all :)

05-07-14, 16:38
Unfortunately older people get higher blood pressure, which is due to the blood vessels getting tougher, and anxiety will also cause higher blood pressure. So a mixture of the two will certainly be a contributor.

Easier said than done, is to try not to worry. Also a healthy diet will help keep BP down, as fatty foods will clog the blood vessels, thus resulting in a higher BP. Exercising is good to keep BP down, as the fitter you are the lower your BP and heart rate will be.

05-07-14, 19:52
Thanks Rennie and DJ for your support,

Im trying to keep her stress levels down but my dad is a massive pain and if anything adds to my mum's stress, making her blood pressure rocket. Hopefully she won't have to go on medication but i'm talking about it with her.

My anxiety has been good since my exams finished but now its back up again :/

05-07-14, 20:58
Even if she gets given some medication, it's really nothing major - some people take BP meds for years and years (such as my Dad) and have no problems whatsoever.

Hope the rest of your weekend is good :)

09-07-14, 23:12
Another update today, mums got her results back and they are high and shes now been put on Ramipril, which she says her doctor says she can come off.

I really believe its due to her stress and that she's slightly overweight for her size. I really wish i had a magic wand to make her better :(. As for me, i cant stop imagining the worst thing that could happen. This is really sending me backwards with my anxiety and i was doing so well

Catherine S
09-07-14, 23:19
Hi Emma, your mum will be fine and her doctor will look out for her with the meds. Read back through the posts on the thread because the same advice still stands. Try not to worry too much, a lot of people live with high bp believe me :)


10-07-14, 00:54
Hi Emma and everyone

This is a nervous subject for me as I worry about this blood pressure thing all the time. When I'm at the doctors it's normally because I'm anxious so I never give a true reading. It's either around 135/80 or 150/100 when I'm anxious it can go higher!!
I was in a private hospital for anxiety a few years back and it was as high as 180/110 but came back down to normal readings. Apparently I have a very sensitive sympathetic nervous system.
At my Psychiatrists it's always normal and she's like don't sorry about it.
Anyways today as a few days ago I went to my GP and he tests it and guess what it's high again! He's like we will do a 24 hour BP test and this morning I've been fitted with it.
Hoping all comes back ok, was very nervous at his rooms this morning. But feel ok now. He said this was the better option as home monitor I would be checking it all the time and it would just make me more anxious. I agreed.
Best wishes to all

---------- Post added at 09:14 ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 ----------

Just for interst sake at the sugery this morning it was 170/110 came home and it has a little screen you can see the reading! It was 140/79 just goes to show what our anxiety can do to our bodies!

---------- Post added at 09:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 ----------

Also I'm in reasonable shape and sugar and cholesterol and blood test results all good!

10-07-14, 07:43
Lowest reading so far 120/60 highest 160/90 goes to show how much it changes

10-07-14, 11:48
My mother went on ramapril last year she is in her late 60's. She started of with 2 tablets a day. After monitoring her diet and gardening she is down to 1 tablet a day. So please don't stress about the medication. There are many theories about blood pressure medication but don't read them. It will only make you worry more. Diet and exercise is the key and a bit of meditation

If you think the stress factor is your father or home life could suggest or start a hobby that takes her away from home a couple of hours a week. Once a month plan to do something with her. So her focus isn't on the stresses and strains of looking after a family but of looking after herself. Join Groupon or KGB deals and have a spa day together. Something like that (if you can afford it).

Also, look after yourself. You are a rare person to watch over your parent. So thank you.

Female healthanxiety
11-07-14, 10:57
hello Emma,

STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP thinking the worst scenario.......

I had a 24hr holter this year and I am 30 years of age.....thousands of people have them every day -- they are as common as blood tests!!!

It sounds like you and your mumma have a lot of anxiety, which at the time, can make BP go up for a while -- but goes back down.

My BP has been so high at times.

We all worry and I think I get more anxiety when something happens to my mum then when I feel ill/anxious.

You need to be strong for your mum - what use are you if you are ill.

Your mum is fine hun - getting monitored - which is great that she has a good DR...