View Full Version : Twitching calf muscles

Jonny X
01-07-14, 10:24
Hi all

I've been suffering from a 'spaced out' feeling for around 3 years now. I've had various tests including an MRI of my head (which was clear), blood tests, ECG, all fine... More recently (10 weeks ago) I had a prolonged tilt table test which took just over 2 hours (an hour lying down and an hour standing up). The standing part of the test really took it out of my legs. It was so uncomfortable and painful as I wasn't allowed to move and had to try to stand completely still. Anyway, since then I've had muscle twitches in my calves pretty much constantly. They're not painful, just annoying and having health anxiety has made me Google it which tells me I've got MS or ALS. I haven't noticed any weakness, I'm still managing to play football but it's all I'm thinking about at the moment. I went to the doctor who didn't seem too concerned, he didn't even have a look, so I don't know if I'm worrying about nothing (as usual :wacko:). Since I've been focusing on it I've been getting the odd twitch elsewhere, arm, thigh, bum... I do have to make it clear that the tilt table test really did push my legs to the limit but I'm just surprised that they could still be affected by it 10 weeks later.

Any advice would be much appreciated!



Catherine S
01-07-14, 11:53
Hi Jonny, just wondering how standing still for an hour would give the docs an idea of why you feel spaced out? Is it to do with balance or something? But anyway, that really would have taken it out of your leg muscles to be honest and playing footie uses the muscles in a different way. I actually pulled muscles in the middle of my back last year, stupidly hauling really heavy boxes around with stuff in for the local tip. The pain was quite bad for a few weeks and then the muscles gradually recovered, but even now a year later I can still get an bad ache if I stand for too long, so they haven't really recovered fully quite yet.


Jonny X
01-07-14, 12:10

Thank you for your reply.

I should have explained - I had the tilt table test to see how my blood pressure coped with lying down and standing up for a prolonged period. They also carried out mental and strength tests throughout. Still waiting for these results though. Common sense tells me the twitching muscles are down to this as I only noticed it happening a day or two after having the test done, not at all before.
