View Full Version : Not what I expected :( help!

01-07-14, 11:41
So I went to a&e a while ago about a swollen gland under my arm which still hasn't gone down.
I went to my doctors today for some blood results relating to some tummy pains I've been having and he asked about the gland.. It's still there and now he's sending me for a scan.
My white cell and neutrophil counts were slightly high and now I'm terrified of lymphoma :(, I thought I was getting better.

Anyone else had similar symptoms that turned out okay?


01-07-14, 12:41
There are literally hundreds or more that have had similar symptoms and are fine. Read Blue Topaz's thread and others...

There have been a rash of lymph node/lymphoma threads recently due to what I believe is association. A short while ago it was skin cancer and moles and a rash of melanoma threads. I think if I posted a thread about aliens, there would be threads about UFOs! :D

A slightly high blood count is indicative of an infection but there are a plethora of less benign things it could be other than the worst case scenario. Your doctor is doing what a doctor is supposed to do by ruling things out. A scan is part of that process. Relax :)

Positive thoughts

01-07-14, 14:47
Thanks Fishmanpa, I know that these things can be caused by an infection and mild things but the node has been there for a month now and the doctor looked so concerned.
I also think that some form of blood cancer could explain my weird aches and pains.

I honestly don’t think I can do this anymore – I want someone to diagnose me with anxiety so I can get some treatment for that but they won’t because they keep finding reasons to send me for tests which has me thinking I must be ill and perhaps my body is warning me.

I have never been anxious before.

I am scared and sad and feel like I’m just waiting for the bad news.