View Full Version : i think i could have stomach cancer?

01-07-14, 13:32
ok i don't want to trigger anyone but i need to get this off my chest.

basically for the past 2 years i have had constant gastritis and probably ulcer with the h pylori bacteria. my doctor basically has done nothing for me except give me more and more stronger antacids.
i am in agony if i miss a dose of these.

the past week i was on holiday and i started getting this weird twisting pain in my stomach.
i have always had stinging and burning acid pains but never this knifelike pain.
anytime i move it is incredibly painful and the medication suddenly makes no difference which is very weird.

i genuinely think i could be facing stomach cancer now and am worried that it could be a late stage because i've had h pylori for 2 years. h pylori is a carcinogen and the #1 cause of stomach cancer.
i am going to see my doctor tonight and ask for an endoscopy which i should have been offered two years ago.
im very worried about my new symptoms and this cancer took my great grandmother when she was in her 50's.

im only 21 but i have heard people asyoung as 15 getting it.
if the biopsy comes back malignant i really don't know how I'll manage. im trying to prepare myself for the worst but i feel very anxious and full of dread.
can anyone give me some words of advice?
i am in an incredible amount of pain right now...

01-07-14, 13:45
When you are diagnosed with H pylori I thought you were supposed to be given a course of 2 antibiotics to get rid of it?

Did that not happen? If not, you need to ask for it - change your doctor if needs be.

01-07-14, 23:42
When you say probably I assume you mean you think you have had the Helicobacter pylori rather than you've been diagnosed. Acid reflux is a commonly associated with anxiety. Perhaps PPIs would be more beneficial? Ask your GP about these.

02-07-14, 18:04
hi no i was definitely diagnosed with h pylori and given the antibiotics but they never made any difference.
I've been on 60mg lansoprazole everyday for 2 years and it helped up until now and now im getting lots of new pain and symptoms.
it isn't my esophagus that is painful its my actual stomach.

02-07-14, 19:26
I had the same exact thing! I ended up getting an endoscopy done and come to find out, my stomach was inflammed from taking too much Advil. the NSAIDs tear up your tummy especially when taken without food. It would hurt sooooo bad I was so scared. Has your doc tried you on any kind of acid reflux medication that stops the acid completely? You may need that to help your tummy heal and it could take months.Also, they can do a blood test to see if you have H. Pylori. Push for it if you really want it :)

Keep in mind, your symptoms have been going for 2 years now, stomach cancer would have made itself known by now.