View Full Version : Mouth worries

01-07-14, 14:51

I've not posted on here for a long while, as my health anxiety has been pretty much at bay, and my psychologist recommended me to stop looking for reassurance.
However the last couple of days it's crept in, and gone all the way back to the fear that started me with health anxiety, and that was a mouth cancer fear. I can feel a little spot, or a little tiny piece of skin or something on the roof of my mouth. I got my boyfriend to look and he said it looks like a tiny scratch, but I'm sure I've felt it there before. Now I'm worrying that it's been there ages and ages and I should go get it checked. Does this sound far fetched? My psychologist said to stop going to the doctors and it will break the HA cycle, which is has. It's worked so well. I fear going back to the doctors will set me on the wrong path again.
Should I just ignore it?
Any help would be great x Thanks.

01-07-14, 15:24
If you feel it needs checking then see a dentist as they are better at that sort of thing but I would give it a week to see what happens

01-07-14, 17:48
I can totally relate to the mouth cancer fear. Only a few weeks ago I went running to the dentist to check out a white area in my mouth which has probably been there for ages but I panicked. I always have bumps and spots coming up and down in my mouth and they usually go on their own. Its so easy to scratch or burn the roof of your mouth so it could just be that. As to whether you should get it checked out, I would agree that if you have to, go and see your dentist. However, from what you describe it doesnt sound like anything to be worried about. I am sorry I have not got any more advice but I feel for you because I am exactly the same x

01-07-14, 20:58
Thank you for these responses.
I will see how I feel in a few days and maybe go to the dentist.
Thanks again x

01-07-14, 21:08
I would sit tight in light of the fact it looks like a scratch and has been there for ages. Give it a couple of weeks and see what happens.

Positive thoughts

01-07-14, 23:38
Thanks Fishman! Glad to hear from you. I will leave it a while and hope it goes.
I hope things are well with you?