View Full Version : leg pains

01-07-14, 16:05
Does anyone else get badly aching quads? I do quite a lot of walking but I'm starting to worry that my quad aches and twitches are something sinister :-(

01-07-14, 16:38
Yeah I get leg pains from walking a lot too, mostly in my calves though. You might've just pulled a muscle and keeping the muscles tense for long periods of time can make them ache too (that's a bad habit of mine...:doh:).

01-07-14, 17:07
Yeah I've noticed some muscle twitches lately as well :-/

01-07-14, 17:38
Can you still put weight on your legs?

I know that this is a stupid tip to give in the middle of summer but keeping the muscles warm usually helps with any aches and pains.

As for the twitching try not to focus on it too much otherwise it's all you'll think about. It's easier said than done I know, but once you stop you might suddenly realise that the twitching's not as bad or completely disappeared!

Hope this helps!:flowers:

01-07-14, 17:40
Thanks :-)

Yes if I walk it goes away

01-07-14, 17:47
You're welcome!

Give it 24 hours and see how they feel then.:)

01-07-14, 17:53
Thanks Freeky, I've been a bit low of late and can't say I've really exercised for a week... Could just be that I guess

01-07-14, 18:00
Yeah sorry to hear that you've been feeling low, hope everything works out soon!

I've noticed that my legs ache more when I start walking regularly after not having done it for a couple of weeks. It usually stops after a few days!

01-07-14, 18:09
I'm sure it's just my anxiety... My converse probably aren't the best walking shoes either

01-07-14, 18:14
Yeah I know that feeling... :/ Converses aren't really the best shoes for walking but I find them really comfortable!

01-07-14, 23:33
Leg pain can often be caused by dehydration so make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids.

If you notice swelling, redness or warmth then seek medical advice.