View Full Version : Fear of Death

01-07-14, 17:45
I have a really intense fear of death. I need help, advice, people to talk to who can relate.

01-07-14, 18:07
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of people here that can relate to that and go through the same things each and every day (me being one of them).

Everyone here is really friendly and helpful, so hopefully you can get some good advice :)

01-07-14, 23:06
Hi I know exactly what you are going through . I wake every morning wondering if I will live today. I'm only new to this site and posted a few days ago but not getting much support or advice at all. I also suffer from panic attacks , have dayd I do not want to leave the property. Fear of passing out at home or in public. The list goes on . But my Panic attacks are the scariest thing ever.:weep:

02-07-14, 01:40
Welcome AJ77,
I have Death Anxiety and slowly learning to deal with it.
You may have been surrounded by people that have been ill or someone else's death for this to be triggered or it has been made worse with the help of the lovely Media.
I basically wake up every morning shocked that I am still alive.
I think I have every disease going and that I am going to Die!
I panic, over the process of Dying and where I will be and who, if anyone will be looking after me. Does this ring any bells?
I have been checked out by the Docs and got the all clear that I am a healthy person, but still I am nervous and panicky about the issue.
What I have tried to do, is keep my Mind full with as many things to do as possible.
I am now trying to live my Life telling myself that I am healthy and have many years to go before I start worrying about this.
I also have a Therapist which helps and spend a lot of time meeting people by going out a lot. When you hear other peoples stories and what they have gone through, I think myself very lucky.
It is important that we do not waste Life and I know it is difficult, because I still have issues with this, but we must try and LIVE as much as we can.
I hope this helps you a bit. :)