View Full Version : Increase in palpitations over the last week

Worried 24/7
01-07-14, 18:26
So usually in the past I would experience palpitations every few months or whatever. Anything from a slight flutter to feeling like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest for a second. I usually just ride it out... But for the last week, I keep getting these little flutters and it's scaring me. They seem to be worse when I eat if that's possible?? But also for the last week my health anxiety has been excruciatingly worse because of this lump feeling in my throat and also my 2year old son has had diarrhea type stools the last week and that scares me as well..... Could I be having so many palps because my anxiety has been worse? I'm just so scared :-(

Panic emily
01-07-14, 19:09
I'm very sorry your feeling this way. I know how hard it is when you have a little one and your in constant worry mode.. I also have a toddler with the runs but I have two children and if there's no fever I know not to worry some times their Tummys are just sensitive to certain foods and heat also. As for palpitations this is anxiety most common symptom of anxiety is this as I'm sure you know. This is what I suffer with often.. Just sitting on the couch hanging out then BaM heart has skipped two beats and now I'm monitoring it and now it's pounding out of my chest! Very normal. If you have had previous medical exams that are all positive when it comes to the heart I would pin it to strictly anxiety! Another thing is the heart rate usually climbs after eating because the organs in your body need more blood pumped to them in order to digest the food. I hope this helped you in a way try breathing exercises and taking some time out for you to relax :) concentrate more on other things rather then the heart (easier said then done) hope you feel better soon!

Worried 24/7
02-07-14, 04:12
Thank you. Ive had so many symptoms lately it terrifies me daily :-(

02-07-14, 14:36
I think it's a bit like someone sipping strong coffee all day, instead we're taking lots of little sips of adrenaline. With similar results. :)