View Full Version : Aching Shoulder Blades/Back/Ribs

01-07-14, 19:35
Hello everyone,

My name is Hima and I'm 22. I've been really stressed out by all the health issues that have happened to me and it has just gotten worse.

So it all started with me feeling sore on the sides and upper parts of my breasts near my underarms, and on the outer parts of my underarms. I went to my doctor and he ordered an ultrasound of my breasts and they didn't find anything. And eventually it just went away on it's own.

Come last Saturday, the soreness came back, so I started stressing out again. I figured it would just go away like it did before but it didn't. I went to my chiropractor yesterday and he told me it's most likely just because I've been tense and stressed out, which is affecting my posture and everything. And I agreed with him, that's why I've been seeing him this whole time is to fix my posture.

Then last night, all of a sudden I started feeling soreness in both my shoulder blades. It's not a stabbing pain but like a dull intense ache, like someones grinding their knuckles into them.

And stupid me decided to google it and I saw that it could mean you have lung cancer, breast cancer, heart problems. Which there is no history of any of those in my family, but I can't even rationalize that to myself.

My chiropractor called me and told me it's most likely an extension of the soreness from my underarms, and breasts, and the stress and tension. And I want to believe him, but I'm just so worried.

I have been really stressed out this past month with not having a job, life issues, and we recently lost our cat suddenly which has taken its toll on me. Another thing that happened to me was I started feeling slight numbness and tingling in my hands/feet. But I had bloodwork done and I'm borderline anemic which is why that was happening.

I've just had all these things happen to me all at once, and I'm just so stressed out by all these symptoms one after another. I know it's probably just because I've been so stressed and anxious, but I'm just so scared. :(

02-07-14, 00:26
Anyone? :(

02-07-14, 00:38
Your chiropractor said it's most likely tension and he knows what he's talking about. The more you worry about and focus on it the worse it will feel. Have you tried taking anything for it like pain killers? Or even rubbing a pain relief gel onto your shoulder blades? Anytime I feel any kind of ache or pain I always rub Traxam or Neurofen gel onto it and it usually helps :)

02-07-14, 00:55
My chiropractor told me to take omega 3 supplements 4-6 throughout the day since they help with inflammation, and it has been helping the sides and tops of breasts and shoulder blades. Ice also helps a bit. And when I sit back on the couch it doesn't hurt as much.

Mostly what I'm really worried about now, I forgot to mention this in the original post, is the sore bump I felt in my right breast. When I originally got the soreness in my breasts it started with feeling the pain where the bump was, which then turned into soreness that eventually went away. And when the soreness started again I had the same bump, and I'm still feeling it now. It hurts if I press on it.

My gut is telling me that this is hormonal...since when I originally got the pain/soreness it was 2 weeks before my cycle...and then when it came again it was during my cycle on the second day. But it should be gone now because my cycle ended yesterday. I'm just so scared because I've never had any of these symptoms when I've had my cycle for the past 10 years. :( I know when my doctor ordered the ultrasound originally they didn't see any signs of cancer, but I can't help myself.

02-07-14, 01:06
Did your doctor say anything about what the bump might be? I know it's hard to not worry about these things but just try and remind yourself you've had an ultrasound and nothing was found.

How long did the soreness last in your breasts the last time before it went away? It might just go away itself again, its only been a few days since its come back.

It could very well just be hormonal. I sometimes get sore breasts at random times throughout my own cycle :)

02-07-14, 01:53
Both doctors said it was just regular breast tissue. I just want to know what's causing the pain, you know? Since it's never happened before. Neither of them really explained to me why it's happening. The soreness lasted about a week. I also have polycystic ovarian syndrome which I know affects hormones...and the stress probably hasn't helped.

I have my woman's wellness exam on Thursday with my actual gynecologist so I'm just going to ask her a bunch of questions and get a straight answer out of her as to what's causing it...because no one has given me that answer. >:(

02-07-14, 02:04
Yeah, I understand. I'd want to know what was causing it too. Hopefully your gynecologist gives you a proper answer and then you can stop worrying about it :)

02-07-14, 02:18
Thanks for talking to me Agadch. I really hope I get some answers on Thursday. :/ And maybe the bump will stop being painful/sore and the soreness will go down a bit by then, since my cycle is over. I'll try not to think about it too much and attempt to relax. >.>

02-07-14, 16:31
No problem! :) Good luck on Thursday :D

02-07-14, 16:41
The bump is still pretty painful. Then again I keep poking at it hahaha. I should stop doing that. >.>

02-07-14, 16:46
Yeah your right hahaha it's probably only so painful from all the poking and prodding

02-07-14, 16:54
Eh, it's pretty sore by itself when I don't touch it, but when I touch it the pain kind of radiates. Gah, I just want it to go away. :(