View Full Version : The problem with Lymphoma

01-07-14, 19:45
The problem is if the nodes are too small or inaccessible, they cant be biopsied. If they cant be biopsied, then you'll be in a constant state of anxiety over whether it is or isn't lymphoma. If the nodes do go down by themselves, that still doesn't exclude lymphoma because low grade lymphomas start with little or no symptoms and take many years to get worse. Even blood tests alone may come up normal and even if they don't, that doesn't imply lymphoma since it could be something else. All this uncertainty is what creates anxiety.

Even the biopsy is not exactly a nice experience to go through. It is a major operation. Plus removing nodes has risks associated with it. Its not a minor test like a blood test which has minimal risks.

01-07-14, 19:54
From your other post we can see your a wind up merchant preying on peoples worries and not worth talking too.:mad:

01-07-14, 19:57
I have swollen glands so I know what it feels like to worry. If you dont agree with what I write, then explain why and give reasons. If you dont like what I wrote, do not attack me for it.

01-07-14, 20:00
You said on your last thread

"everybody on here wants a reaction. Look at how all those people on here with health anxieties. What are they looking for? Its as if they know there is nothing wrong with them, they just want other people to tell them that."

There's nothing wrong with you, chung. Happy?

01-07-14, 20:01
I have swollen glands so I know what it feels like to worry. If you dont agree with what I write, then explain why and give reasons. If you dont like what I wrote, do not attack me for it.

You can't blame people, you pretty much told me my doctors are lying and I've given people false hope! That's not what this site is about luckily you didn't affect me but just look at how you could of worried other posters? This is a support group not a diagnosis.

01-07-14, 20:05
Don't know why you bother posting on here as all you do is start a debate or but up people's fears I'm surprised if people are sympathetic towards you.

Catherine S
01-07-14, 20:08
Looks like you could be running out of people to argue with Chung.


01-07-14, 20:12
You said on your last thread

"everybody on here wants a reaction. Look at how all those people on here with health anxieties. What are they looking for? Its as if they know there is nothing wrong with them, they just want other people to tell them that."

There's nothing wrong with you, chung. Happy?

No im not happy. I want evidence that there is nothing wrong. But as I just said, evidence is not easily obtainable.