View Full Version : Afraid after seeing doctor

01-07-14, 21:09

Ive been doing well recently, even starting proper exercise and have feeling quite well until the other day. I collapsed at work and was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. Heart checked everything o.k so the doc thought it may have been heat or something. He then asked if I was feeling unwell to which I wasnt and he told me to see my gp, my white cell count was 14 and my crp was 41. Ive seen my gp, not my usual one a young doctor and she was concerned over the results so decided to check back to my blood test 12 months ago. Oh she said it was high then too, crp 21 and wbc 13.9 and asked why it was never followed up then. Obviously I wasn't told anything was wrong otherwise I would have and suffering from HA it would have given more fuel to my HA. She left me on we will check it again, and a urine sample and take it from there. I asked what she was thinking and she mentioned leukemia as its been elevated for over 12 months. She said they would need to investigate as its definitely not normal.
I have another blood test tomorrow and you've guessed I haven't had much peace. Is it possible to have an infection for over 12 months without knowing, my cough isnt as bad as it used to be but obviously lung cancer is running through my mind.

01-07-14, 22:11
Elevated white cell levels can have a number of meanings, including infection and stress. The latter perhaps more connected to yourself. Have you been having a stressful time at work? Also, if you have a lung inflammation that can cause elevated white cells as can COPD. You should ask your GP for a spirometry test.

01-07-14, 22:34
I had a spirometry late last year and it was o.k.
Is anxiety a form of stress? could my anxiety and worring about cancer cause the elevation.

01-07-14, 23:02
This could all be related to stress, I remember clearly from my dad he used to get very stressed about work and this would happen to him too! If you said your cough hasn't been bad this past year I believe it is not a lung cancer relation! My auntie had lung cancer and it was obvious, she smoked heavily, had a very bad cough with asthma already and found it difficult to breathe a lot of times! Always here wish you all the best keep us updated xx