View Full Version : Smoking..

Panic emily
01-07-14, 21:40
For all the smokers who have health anxiety! I was just sitting here having a cig and realized how funny it must sound when I go into the doctors constantly worrying about my health... YET I'm a smoker... So worried about my health yet I do one of the most unhealthiest things a human can do.. Plus I have asthma super smart! Anybody else here smokers? Just wondering if I'm the only insane one lol

01-07-14, 22:02
I smoke. I am not supposed to. I am trying my best to stop. have cut down a bit.
Had 3 today. :blush:

01-07-14, 22:05
Smoking tends to reduce anxiety, unfortunately. However, the exact things we fear can be caused by smoking. It's deciding which is the lesser of the two evils. Most would say smoking needs to stop. However, it's much easier said than done, especially if it reduces anxiety symptoms.

01-07-14, 22:26
Amber, So true what you say:shrug:

Female healthanxiety
01-07-14, 22:50
I am the same!! I will smoke and laugh at what a joke it is!!! Ironic xx

Panic emily
01-07-14, 22:58
I think that would be my biggest problem it helps my anxiety! But at the same time it provokes it! Amber you are very right. It's just so funny..

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

I find it so ironic when I'm having a ciggaret and then sometimes I have a panic attack saying I can't breath,...... With a smoke in one hand lol

01-07-14, 22:59
I used to be a smoker, stopped 5 years ago, worried about getting cancer so I stopped. Now my ha is much worse now, still worry about cancer cant believe I ever smoked. I worry about getting lung cancer now than i ever did when i smoked.

01-07-14, 23:17
I posted a thread on this very subject....


Positive thoughts

Panic emily
02-07-14, 00:11
This is what I mean.. I will continue to worry about cancer even if I stop.. It's health anxiety so to me i guess it does not matter if I smoke or not the worries will continue it will just be different worrys. I am only 22 i do plan on quitting it will be soon as this anxiety seems to be getting worse and worse but I just love that I smoke and worry about not being able to get enough air, makes me laugh at myself.

02-07-14, 00:34
I stopped for ages. I started again recently, I think it's basically my version of self-harm! Lol

02-07-14, 00:39
I do lots of things that are completely contradictory to my health anxiety...

Smoking occasionally
Drinking too much
Eating crap
Not enough exercise

Panic emily
02-07-14, 02:44
Lol serenity 1990!!

---------- Post added at 17:44 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

I'm the exact same Anxiety DJ I won't work out due to being afraid of having a heart attack lol

02-07-14, 08:16
Smoking doesn't reduce anxiety.

Nicotine is a stimulant which has exactly the opposite effect - the only reason it calms you down is because you are addicted to nicotine and lighting up gives you your "fix".

Please don't fool yourself that smoking has any benefit at all. It doesn't.

02-07-14, 11:09
Have you guys tried electronic "e-cigarette" as a potentially healthier way to 'smoke'? They seem to be a good stepping stone for many people between smoking and giving up completely cold turkey.

Female healthanxiety
02-07-14, 13:27
Yes - brought them, got really excited when I got indoors to start them -- then realised the silly idiot man did not sell me the charger to go with them! - this was 2 months ago - I must order the charger online!

02-07-14, 13:37
I stopped for a long time as well now I have one like once or twice a week. I'm making it my goal to stop this summer. I smoke with someone I work with now that we are a part this summer I won't be tempted. I really enjoy smoking. If it were harmless id do it all the time.

03-07-14, 00:21
Totally had a cigg today :(

03-07-14, 02:08
Have you guys tried electronic "e-cigarette" as a potentially healthier way to 'smoke'? They seem to be a good stepping stone for many people between smoking and giving up completely cold turkey.

Watch this space but IMHO the gov will try and ban them sometime soon (backed by tobacco company pressure). They're a great idea and definitely the future, but at the moment the gov are missing loads of potential taxation and the tobac companies could lose an unbelievable amount of cash and aren't about to let that happen!

Did anyone see the BBC Documentary: "Burning Desire: The Seduction of Smoking"? Really interesting stuff...

Catherine S
03-07-14, 03:07
RoseEve, you totally made me smile :D


03-07-14, 03:09
Ha! Laughing at my failure :)

---------- Post added at 02:09 ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 ----------

By the way I hate the e cigs!

Panic emily
03-07-14, 04:31
Hahahaha Rose Eve! That was amazing, I'm too scared that the e cig will have some long term effect on your health because they have not been tested long enough.. (Health anxiety)obviously kicks in when it comes to anything.. Clearly it contradicts with the fact that smoking causes one of the most hardest diseases to beat...

03-07-14, 12:38
I quit two years ago with an e-cig.

I was lucky that my HA made me so scared to smoke that I stopped enjoying it.

In the past, my OCD made me want to smoke more, but when I got HA I quit the same week, thankfully.

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

Oh and with e-cigs it matters which one you get.

The ones that look like fags are awful.

If anyone wants any advice on them please feel free to PM me.

03-07-14, 13:58
I quit smoking 4 or 5 years ago. I didn't want to quit but I did it for the sake of my future health. I enjoyed it so much. About a year and a half ago, I started thinking about using an e-cig because most of the info seemed to suggest it was more or less harmless and not much more dangerous than a cup of coffee.

I loved it and I loved the guilt-free feeling that I could use it without messing up my lungs. But recently, I've been hearing some stories about studies that have been carried out which suggest that e-cigs aren't as harmless as people first seemed to think.

I should have known it was too good to be true. Now I'm kind of anxious about how my 18 months of using an e-cig might have harmed me. I've no idea what to believe.

Most of my HA stems from smoking. I feel I could almost write a book on it; guilt, punishment etc.

Panic emily
03-07-14, 17:33
Seee ^ study's are now showing possible health issues with the e cig this is what I mean... You just can't win when it comes to smoking..

03-07-14, 19:18
Seee ^ study's are now showing possible health issues with the e cig this is what I mean... You just can't win when it comes to smoking..

E-cigs are def the lesser of two evils... Even if you do look a bit of an ass whilst 'vaping' :D (no offense to anyone that does!).

A guy in my office uses them and his one makes him look as though he's doing something sexual with a pen all day long :shrug:

03-07-14, 22:32
HA has become a bit out of control lately for me. In a spur of the moment decision, I gathered up all of my vaping paraphernalia, and threw it all in the bin today. I can't actively do things that I suspect may harm me any more. It just isn't compatible with my HA.

If I could turn the clock back, I'd undo some of the harmful stuff that I've done to myself over the years but I can't so I'm just going to have to live with the past and hope that I haven't done anything that will have serious repercussions later on.