View Full Version : A multitude of issues

01-07-14, 21:53
Hi all, I'm new and yes suffer from anxiety/panic states.

For the last few days I've been visiting my bed more frequently as I seem to only get some relief from acid reflux when sat in bed.

Recent symptoms are:

Dizzy spells
Feeling of being crushed
Feeling of doom
Fast heart rate

Obviously I have it in my head that I've got a serious heart condition or a pulmonary embolism.

I'm considering buying at home d-dimer test kits so I can periodically check for clots and a at home ECG kit with upload subscription to check my heart. I'm also trying to save up for a full body MRI/ct to have all my major arteries and organs scanned.

Is anyone else in a similar boat?

01-07-14, 22:08
I'm sure I don't need to tell you that all of the symptoms you listed are classic symptoms of anxiety, even the acid reflux.

As for buying test kits to check for clots - seems a bit drastic. I've no idea how these kits work or how reliable they are but I can imagine that you'll be setting yourself up for needless worry if you end up with false positives.

On occasion, I've thought that it would be cool to have a scan of all my organs to look for early signs of problems but then I know myself well enough to realise that my brain is wired to distrust results. But if you think it'll give you lasting piece of mind then who am I to say otherwise?

01-07-14, 23:04

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

02-07-14, 00:19
Does anyone else feel jumpy even when people do the smallest of things like switch a light switch or close a lid. I literally jump with every little thing!

02-07-14, 00:36
Hi there, yes I can relate to that - I am often very jumpy - I've created a post in the phobias forum about my fear of loud noises and bangs...

I also have a lot of physical symptoms due to panic and anxiety... I know that they are not really happening, because they only occur in certain situations, but I still can't control them and they end up making me feel awful :( Definitely feel your pain... Sorry that wasn't meant to be an awful pun! :doh:

03-07-14, 22:45
Yes, I know it's awful living with severe anxiety and almost constant worry. I envy those who seem to not be plagued by the obsessive thoughts we have. People look at me like I'm nuts as I'm jumpy around 'normal' noises.