View Full Version : Acid Reflux

02-07-14, 02:10

I've been doing really well with my anxiety lately and feeling a lot better, but alas it's back again!

About a month ago we went on a trip to see relatives and while we were gone I get rather constipated (tmi sorry). Since I was little I've had IBS and so this was not something new, however since this health anxiety has started it seems to effect me differently now....So it took me many weeks to get back on schedule and in that time I of course felt stomach pains. I freaked out because that's what I do now unfortunately. My constipation kept getting better but it seems the whole ordeal stressed me out. I felt the need to burp more and more. One night I felt like I had a bit of heart burn so I took a tums. Since them I just keep focusing on that and now it just feels like constant heart burn unless I'm eating or preoccupied with something.

Anyway I was just wondering if this was normal and if it is possible to not actually have heart burn but to just be imagining it out of fear? (it feels kinda different then normal heart burn) The more I think I have it the worse it gets. (My tongue sometimes feels burning too)

Please no freaking me out with things it could be! I try not to google and scare myself. Just wondering if some have similar experiences? I just get so exasperated some times...

02-07-14, 13:00
Anybody?? Or is this not common and I should be more freaked out??? :weep:

02-07-14, 13:10
Hey Britty...

I get reflux especially when stressed, mildly I get trapped wind and bit of heartburn... When it's really bad I can end up with a sore throat and alsorts.

I know it's tough but try to relax and eat foods that may not trigger it